Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Tamara V. Kazak

Tamara V. Kazak
Department Chair
Doctor of Psychological Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Doctor of Psychological Sciences of the Russian Federation
Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences
Full Professor

Leonid P. Pilinevich

Leonid P. Pilinevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Full Professor

Petr I. Baltrukovich

Petr I. Baltrukovich
Associate Professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Ol'ga L. Lomonos

Ol'ga L. Lomonos
Associate Professor
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Larisa G. Osnovina

Larisa G. Osnovina
Associate Professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Aleksandr M. Prudnik

Aleksandr M. Prudnik
Associate Professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Oksana S. Ryshkel

Oksana S. Ryshkel
Associate Professor
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Inna A. Telesh

Inna A. Telesh
Associate Professor
Candidate of Geographic Sciences

Ivan I. KHludeev

Ivan I. KHludeev
Associate Professor
Candidate of Biological Sciences

Tatiana IU. Shlikova

Tatiana IU. Shlikova
Associate Professor
Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Inna V. Andrialovich
Senior Lecturer
Master of Engineering and Technology

Marina A. Bobrovnichaia

Marina A. Bobrovnichaia
Senior Lecturer

Marina M. Borisik

Marina M. Borisik
Senior Lecturer
Master of Technical Science

Anastasia N. Vasilkova

Anastasia N. Vasilkova
Senior Lecturer

Vladislav V. Egorov

Vladislav V. Egorov
Senior Lecturer

Ekaterina B. Karpovich

Ekaterina B. Karpovich
Senior Lecturer
Master of Engineering and Technology

Andrei P. Kliuev

Andrei P. Kliuev
Senior Lecturer

Oleg S. Medvedev

Oleg S. Medvedev
Senior Lecturer
Master of Engineering and Technology

Daria A. Parkhomenko

Daria A. Parkhomenko
Senior Lecturer
Master of Engineering and Technology

Natalia V. TSiavlovskaia

Natalia V. TSiavlovskaia
Senior Lecturer
Master of Technical Science

Natalia V. SHCHerbina

Natalia V. SHCHerbina
Senior Lecturer
Master of Technical Science

Alina IU. IAtskevich

Alina IU. IAtskevich
Senior Lecturer
Master of Pedagogic Science

Aleksej S. Bushik

Aleksej S. Bushik
Master of Engineering and Technology

Anastasiia V. Vorobei

Anastasiia V. Vorobei
Master of Technical Science

Konstantin I. Davydovich

Konstantin I. Davydovich
Master of Technical Science

Maria S. Ilyasova

Maria S. Ilyasova

Veronika I. Kamlach

Veronika I. Kamlach
Master of Technical Science