Governance & Management

The University governance structure has been developed so as to comply with the main principles of good governance determined by the University Charter, which are transparency, accountability, consistence and effectiveness. A distinctive feature of the BSUIR governance system is that management is carried out in a combination of two principles: unity of command and self-government.
The Rector carries out day-to-day management of the University. He is appointed and dismissed by the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Rector’s responsibilities include:
The university Rectorate is created to resolve operational issues of the University day-to-day management and comprises the Leadership Team and the Senior Management Team. The Leadership Team is an advisory body and is chaired by the Rector. It consists of 7 Vice-Rectors:
The Senior Management Team includes the deans of 9 faculties, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Chief Accountant, heads of the Personnel Department, International Relations Office, Postgraduate Office, and other main administrative offices. Each Monday morning the university Rectorate holds a collective meeting to discuss operational issues, activity reports of academic and R&D departments, monitor educational and research processes, etc.
The University Council is the main self-government body and is chaired by the Rector. Its activity bases on the Belarusian Code of Education, University Charter, Regulations on the University Council and other national laws. The main goal of the University Council is to combine forces of the University community to provide training of engineers and scientists capable of generating and implementing innovative ideas, creating competitive high technology products in the spheres of computer science and electronics.
The University Council activity mainly focuses on:
The Rector carries out day-to-day management of the University. He is appointed and dismissed by the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Rector’s responsibilities include:
- day-to-day management of the University,
- representing the University in relations with public bodies, NGOs, private companies, and other natural or legal persons,
- interaction with self-governance bodies in the university management-related issues,
- allocation of responsibilities and determination of the extent of accountability of vice-rectors and other executive officials,
- development of a collective agreement together with the trade unions on the basis of the principles of social partnership,
- other responsibilities determined by the University Charter and Belarusian legislation.
- representing the University in relations with public bodies, NGOs, private companies, and other natural or legal persons,
- interaction with self-governance bodies in the university management-related issues,
- allocation of responsibilities and determination of the extent of accountability of vice-rectors and other executive officials,
- development of a collective agreement together with the trade unions on the basis of the principles of social partnership,
- other responsibilities determined by the University Charter and Belarusian legislation.
The university Rectorate is created to resolve operational issues of the University day-to-day management and comprises the Leadership Team and the Senior Management Team. The Leadership Team is an advisory body and is chaired by the Rector. It consists of 7 Vice-Rectors:
- First Vice-Rector,
- Vice-Rector for Research and Development,
- Two Vice-Rectors for Education,
- Vice-Rector for Personal Development,
- Vice-Rector
- Acting Vice-Rector.
- Vice-Rector for Research and Development,
- Two Vice-Rectors for Education,
- Vice-Rector for Personal Development,
- Vice-Rector
- Acting Vice-Rector.
The Senior Management Team includes the deans of 9 faculties, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Chief Accountant, heads of the Personnel Department, International Relations Office, Postgraduate Office, and other main administrative offices. Each Monday morning the university Rectorate holds a collective meeting to discuss operational issues, activity reports of academic and R&D departments, monitor educational and research processes, etc.
The University Council is the main self-government body and is chaired by the Rector. Its activity bases on the Belarusian Code of Education, University Charter, Regulations on the University Council and other national laws. The main goal of the University Council is to combine forces of the University community to provide training of engineers and scientists capable of generating and implementing innovative ideas, creating competitive high technology products in the spheres of computer science and electronics.
The University Council activity mainly focuses on:
- identifying the University strategic development directions, review of the BSUIR Activity Plans, monitoring of the University educational, research and innovation processes, and international cooperation,
- BSUIR structure improvement, establishment and liquidation of BSUIR units and offices, determining its activity areas,
- decision-making on issues related to the educational and teaching process, reviewing of programmes curricular and syllabi, as well as of student development directions and activity plans,
- decision-making on issues related to the attraction of international students for studies in BSUIR,
- intensifying the linkage between education and industry, strengthening the ties with prospective employers,
- nominating candidates for the positions of an institute director, faculty dean, departmental chair, and professor,
- review and approval of the reports of the Leadership Team on key activity areas, of the departmental heads on the fulfillment of the University activity plans and main results of the educational, research, innovation and other activities, and of the faculty staff on their internship results.
- BSUIR structure improvement, establishment and liquidation of BSUIR units and offices, determining its activity areas,
- decision-making on issues related to the educational and teaching process, reviewing of programmes curricular and syllabi, as well as of student development directions and activity plans,
- decision-making on issues related to the attraction of international students for studies in BSUIR,
- intensifying the linkage between education and industry, strengthening the ties with prospective employers,
- nominating candidates for the positions of an institute director, faculty dean, departmental chair, and professor,
- review and approval of the reports of the Leadership Team on key activity areas, of the departmental heads on the fulfillment of the University activity plans and main results of the educational, research, innovation and other activities, and of the faculty staff on their internship results.