Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Leonid P. Pilinevich
Professor at the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Full Professor
Minsk, st. P. Brovki, 4, office 609
Phone: +375 17 293-88-73
E-mail: pilinevich@bk.ru
Professional interests/researches
Life safety
Powder metallurgy and composite materials
1972 - 1977 Minsk Radio Engineering Institute
1978 - 1979 Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, Methods of creating composite materials and products
2001 - Minsk State Linguistic University, special faculty of foreign languages for retraining of personnel, specialty «G»
Postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.16.06 «Powder metallurgy and composite materials»
2023 - Certificate of honor from BSUIR for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists based on the results of the 2022/2023 academic year
Doctorate in the specialty 05.16.06 «Powder metallurgy and composite materials»
1978 - 1979 Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, Methods of creating composite materials and products
2001 - Minsk State Linguistic University, special faculty of foreign languages for retraining of personnel, specialty «G»
Postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.16.06 «Powder metallurgy and composite materials»
2023 - Certificate of honor from BSUIR for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists based on the results of the 2022/2023 academic year
Doctorate in the specialty 05.16.06 «Powder metallurgy and composite materials»
Trainings, professional development
2011 - RIIT under the program «Computer design and programming systems in engineering (AutoCAD)»
2018 - RIHE under the program «Prevention of associative phenomena in the youth environment»
2018 - RIHE under the program «Prevention of associative phenomena in the youth environment»
Working career
1977 - 2010 - worked at the State Scientific Institution «Institute of Powder Metallurgy» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the position of: engineer, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, head of laboratory, head of department.
1988 - defended his thesis on "Development of a process for obtaining powder permeable materials by vibration molding" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences
2005 - defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic «Theoretical and technological foundations of obtaining porous powder materials with an anisotropic pore structure and products from them for filtering liquids and gases» for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences
2010 - to the present time works as a professor at BSUIR
Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of research work No. GB 16-2031 «Information support of management processes of socio-technical systems», state registration number 20163377. The results of research work are introduced into the educational process at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics as materials for lecture courses and practical occupations
1988 - defended his thesis on "Development of a process for obtaining powder permeable materials by vibration molding" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences
2005 - defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic «Theoretical and technological foundations of obtaining porous powder materials with an anisotropic pore structure and products from them for filtering liquids and gases» for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences
2010 - to the present time works as a professor at BSUIR
Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of research work No. GB 16-2031 «Information support of management processes of socio-technical systems», state registration number 20163377. The results of research work are introduced into the educational process at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics as materials for lecture courses and practical occupations
Taught academic subjects
Ergatic systems
Design of ergatic systems
Industrial safety
Diploma project management
Scientific supervision of master's students / graduate students / doctoral students
Work as a member of the State Examination Commission for the defense of master's theses and graduation projects
Design of ergatic systems
Industrial safety
Diploma project management
Scientific supervision of master's students / graduate students / doctoral students
Work as a member of the State Examination Commission for the defense of master's theses and graduation projects
Merits, awards, incentives
2001 - Francis Skarina Medal.
2006 - Honorary Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences «100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician S. T. Kishkin», RF.
2010 - Jubilee medal for the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
2019 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2023 - Certificate of honor from BSUIR for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists based on the results of the 2022/2023 academic year.
2006 - Honorary Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences «100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician S. T. Kishkin», RF.
2010 - Jubilee medal for the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
2019 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2023 - Certificate of honor from BSUIR for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists based on the results of the 2022/2023 academic year.