Clubs and Organizations

Finding your place in life, choosing your own unique way, and achieving success is impossible without communication skills and culture. A qualified professional is not only a person with proper education, but also with an ability to communicate, work in a team effectively, implement delegated powers and assume responsibility.


Sports Club

BSUIR is widely known as a university where special attention is paid to sports and health movement.

Sports pride of the university is 3 time Olympic champion, 7 time world champion, 9 time champion of the USSR, honored coach of the USSR, professor Alexander V. Medved. He came to the department of sports in 1967. He worked as a senior teacher. Alexander Medvedev 3 times became the Olympic champion in different weight categories, 7 times became the world champion, 4 times the European champion, 9 times became the USSR champion.

The university has created excellent conditions for sports and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The total area of all sports facilities BSUIR is 10,420 m2 - this is one of the highest among the universities of Belarus. The University’s stadium has running tracks, jumping sectors, gymnastics town, football field, volleyball and basketball courts, and a separate sports complex.

Based on personal preferences, all students have the right to choose sports specialization in sport classes: athletic gymnastics, aerobics, aikido, male and female basketball, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, male and female volleyball, handball, judo, karate, athletics, mini-football, swimming, sambo, taekwondo, weightlifting, football.

Contact: office 412, BSUIR Building №.2

Center of cultural and mass work

The purpose of the center of cultural and mass work is to educate young people's artistic taste, to involve them in creative collectives of the university and active forms of leisure, to develop student traditions, to prevent antisocial phenomena in the youth environment, to promote the national art and education of international consciousness, to preserve and revive national, historical and cultural traditions, to realize the connection between generations.

The task of the center is to develop amateur artistic creativity in all its manifestations, to carry out work to reveal creative individuals and talents, to provide practical assistance to socially significant creative initiatives, hobby clubs and public organizations, to work on the development of national culture, to create conditions for the realization of intellectual and creative potential of students and academic staff of the university.

The forms of realization of these directions are very diverse: intellectual and educational programs, contest and game programs, show programs, concerts, evenings of rest, evenings of acquaintances, thematic evenings, meetings with interesting people, holidays, etc. Every BSUIR student has an opportunity to realize them in creative activities - to become a part of friendly creative teams.

Creative collectives of the center of cultural and mass work:

BSUIR creative collectives are regular participants of district, city and national holidays, favorite guests at international festivals and competitions. More information about the events can be found here. The creativity of the groups, individual performers, as well as concert programs have been awarded with multiple diplomas and certificates at the national and international levels.

The center of cultural and mass work has collectives with the title "People's Amateur Artistic Collective":

Folk brass band

Preparatory group of folk brass band

Percussion group “Paradiddle”

People’s ensemble of folk song "Gamanina"

Orchestral group "Vyaskovy Musici"

Vocal group "Paradise"

Vocal group “Vietbend”

Vocal studio "New World"

Poetic theater "Rhythms of the Heart"

Vocal studio "Chance"

Instrumental ensemble "Kamerans"

Vocal group LIME

Variety dance group "MAD MAX"

Dance group "Pro Dance"

Club of photography lovers "ALMA MATER. OBJECTive look"

Studio of presenters "Glamour"

Dance Theater “Reflections”

Amateur association "Alliance"

Vocal and choral group "ViHor"

Amateur art collectives working on a voluntary basis:

Dance group of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control "Maxima"

Dance group of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks “Spakusa”

Dance group of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics "Squirells crew"

Dance group of the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design

Dance group of the Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics

Dance group of the Faculty of Information Security "Connection Family"

Amateur association "Grazia" (Grace)

The Center of cultural and mass work is located at:

 P. Brouki, 4 Str. (2nd academic building of BSUIR), office 210


BSUIR Students’ Trade Union Committee.

The primary students’ trade union organization of BSUIR is a voluntary public organization uniting undergraduates and postgraduate students of the university.

  BSUIR Students’ Trade Union Committee areas:
• protection of students' rights and interests;
• assistance to improve financial and living conditions of students;
• clarification of current legislation of the Republic of Belarus towards students;
• monitoring students’ life in dormitories and building of cultural and domestic purpose, public catering, and medical service;
• students' recovery;
• assistance to out-of-town students in finding accommodation;
• organization of students’ leisure, cultural and mass work;
• development of physical culture and sports;
• organizing and conducting guided tours;
• development of normative documents regulating the activity of student self-government bodies;
• volunteering;
• organization of public campaigns and actions;
• help young families;
• material assistance;
• participation in the work of the housing and household commissions of the faculties;
• supervision of occupancy and allocation of dormitories in faculties;
• control of catering and food quality;
• participation in the work of the commissions on reduction of pay and transfer to the budget form of training.

office 311 — BSUIR Building No.2
(Minsk, 4 P. Brovki Street, 220013)
tel.:  +375 17 293 23 59,
fax:  +375 17 270-31-13

Belarusian Society of Physicists in BSUIR

Public association Belarusian Society of Physicists is an independent public association of scientists, specialists and students who work in the sphere of physics and allied sciences. It was established to support the development of physics, to create favorable conditions, to reveal creative possibilities of physicists, to defend professional and social interests of its members. Moreover, this association is focused on cooperation with foreign scientists and organizations.

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons can become its members. Nowadays it unites professionals from 30 scientific organizations and universities of various cities of Belarus.

In 2003 a special workgroup Women in Physics was established in BSUIR. The aim was to unite women-physicists who work in the sphere of science and education in Belarus. With the support of the Belarusian Society of Physicists different conferences are held in Belarus and abroad. It has become a co-organizer of Physicist Congress of Belarus since 2005. This organization is a member of the European Society of Physicists and Eurasian Society of Physicists.

Chief of Belarusian Society of Physicists in BSUIR
Iya Tashlykova-Bushkevich
PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Physics, BSUIR
Tel. + 37517 293 89 13