Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Ivan I. KHludeev
Associate Professor at the DepartmentCandidate of Biological Sciences
Minsk, st. P. Brovki, 4, office 610
Phone: +375 17 293-23-87
E-mail: ivan2khl@mail.ru
Professional interests/researches
Biophysics of processes of interaction of photoactive compounds with protein structures of blood
1977 - Belarusian State University with a degree in Physics
Postgraduate studies at BSU in the specialty 03.01.02 «Biophysics»
Postgraduate studies at BSU in the specialty 03.01.02 «Biophysics»
Trainings, professional development
2016 - RIHE under the program «Modern trends in the development of natural science education»
2021 - RIHE under the program "Interactive technologies for working with youth in the process of improving ideological and educational work in higher education institutions"
2021 - RIHE under the program "Interactive technologies for working with youth in the process of improving ideological and educational work in higher education institutions"
Working career
1977 - 1980 - trainee researcher, engineer at the Institute of Photobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR
1980 - 2019 - Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher, Belarusian State University
2014 - defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Physicochemical determinants of sensitization of the vascular system by tetrapyrrole pigments under photodynamic exposure» for the degree of candidate of biological sciences
awarded the title of associate professor
2019 - to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics
Research topic - properties of photochemically active compounds in complexes with human blood components, the results are currently
1980 - 2019 - Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher, Belarusian State University
2014 - defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Physicochemical determinants of sensitization of the vascular system by tetrapyrrole pigments under photodynamic exposure» for the degree of candidate of biological sciences
awarded the title of associate professor
2019 - to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics
Research topic - properties of photochemically active compounds in complexes with human blood components, the results are currently
Taught academic subjects
Statistical methods of analysis and experimental design
Specialized industrial safety systems
Biofeedback systems: biofeedback methods
Human life safety
Diploma project management
Scientific supervision of master's students
Specialized industrial safety systems
Biofeedback systems: biofeedback methods
Human life safety
Diploma project management
Scientific supervision of master's students
Main publications
1.Abramovich, N.D., Dick S.K, Vasilevskaya L.A., Khludeyev I.I., Sontea V.P. Methods for assessing the state of microhemocirculation of biotissue by speckle-structure of multiple scattered radiation // Journal of Engineering Sciences - 2018. - Vol. XXV, № 3- P. 52-60.
2.Yankovsky I., Bastien E., Yakavets I., Khludeyev I., Lassalle H.-P., Gräfe S., Bezdetnaya L., Zorin V. Inclusion complexation with β-cyclodextrin derivatives alters biodistribution and photosensitizing efficacy of meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin //Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. - 2016. - P.172 -1829.
3.Khludeev I.I., Kozyr’ L.A., Zorina T.E., Zorin V.P. рН-Dependent changes in the mechanisms of transport of chlorine e6 and its derivatives in the blood//Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. - 2015. - V. 160, № 2. - P. 208-212.
2.Yankovsky I., Bastien E., Yakavets I., Khludeyev I., Lassalle H.-P., Gräfe S., Bezdetnaya L., Zorin V. Inclusion complexation with β-cyclodextrin derivatives alters biodistribution and photosensitizing efficacy of meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin //Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. - 2016. - P.172 -1829.
3.Khludeev I.I., Kozyr’ L.A., Zorina T.E., Zorin V.P. рН-Dependent changes in the mechanisms of transport of chlorine e6 and its derivatives in the blood//Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. - 2015. - V. 160, № 2. - P. 208-212.
Merits, awards, incentives
2014 - Laureate diploma for winning the VAK competition for the best Ph.D. thesis in the nomination «natural sciences»