Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Anastasiia V. Vorobei
LecturerMaster of Technical Science
Minsk, st. P. Brovki, 4, office 608
Phone: +375 17 293-85-31
E-mail: vorobey@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Life safety, psychological support for professional activities, software testing
2018 - BSPU them. M.Tanka with a degree in Biology and Chemistry
2020 - Master's degree BSUIR in the specialty "Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Ergonomics"
2020 - up to the present - studies in the postgraduate study of BSUIR in the specialty 19.00.03 "Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics"
2023 - graduated from graduate school at BSUIR with a degree in 19.00.03 "Work Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Ergonomics"
2020 - Master's degree BSUIR in the specialty "Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Ergonomics"
2020 - up to the present - studies in the postgraduate study of BSUIR in the specialty 19.00.03 "Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics"
2023 - graduated from graduate school at BSUIR with a degree in 19.00.03 "Work Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Ergonomics"
Trainings, professional development
2021 - RIHE under the program "Interactive technologies for working with youth in the process of improving ideological and educational work in higher education institutions"
Working career
2018 - defended her master's thesis on "The system of ensuring labor safety when exposed to infrared radiation on the physiological parameters of a person"
2019 - 2020 - Specialist of the Department of IP&E
2020 - to the present - Scientific Secretary of the Department of IP&E
2020 - up to the present - Assistant of the Department of IP&E
2019 - 2020 - Specialist of the Department of IP&E
2020 - to the present - Scientific Secretary of the Department of IP&E
2020 - up to the present - Assistant of the Department of IP&E
Taught academic subjects
Human life safety
Technologies for assessing software quality
Merits, awards, incentives
2020 - the winner of the competition for the best master's thesis of BSUIR
2020 - the winner of the 1st category of the XXVII Republican competition of scientific works of students
2024 - Certificate of BSUIR for many years of fruitful work, achievement of high performance in work and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the founding of MRTI-BSUIR
2020 - the winner of the 1st category of the XXVII Republican competition of scientific works of students
2024 - Certificate of BSUIR for many years of fruitful work, achievement of high performance in work and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the founding of MRTI-BSUIR