Alumni About Us

Сhen Jike, China (Master's programme in Infocommunication systems and networks, 2023)
Belarusian State University of Radioelectronics and Information is one of the top public universities in Belarus. I am honored to study here through the study exchange program of the China Scholarship Council and obtain a master's degree. The school is located in the beautiful city center of Minsk and has rich teaching resources. The teachers here are friendly and professional. In addition to answering our professional questions, they also enthusiastically introduced Belarusian culture to us. I really enjoyed my time studying abroad at BSUIR.

Al-Bahadily Hassan Kassim Mohammad, Iraq (PhD degree program, specialty «Computers, Systems and Networks», 2019)
I studied hard for many years at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics and finally achieved my dream and my dream become true and I got PhD degree despite the challenges and difficulties which I faced during my study.
Today I am proud of my achievement as well as my family and my country.
I would like to thank everyone who helped and supported me in my success, especially in University in which I found smart teachers who gave me knowledge, kind and cooperative employees who helped me along my study, and modern information technology which opened the future for me.
I have learned many things from Belarus and I will transfer this knowledge and culture to my country and to my students.
I will always remember the most valuable feelings from Belarus, my lovely country.

Almiahi Osama Majeed Hilal, Iraq (PhD programme in Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security, 2016)
BSUIR - not just university, its my school, where i rebuilt my ideas about life.. I have got a scientific degree and a great knowledge in my technical specialists, also met and get acquainted with friends, ( students, employees of university, teachers ) which always supported and assisted me to get my goal in studying and life, things that I will not forget.
BSUIR - not just university, A school of programmers. I liked studying there where I spent 6 years among friendly people which I met, I have got a scientific degree, new language became like second language for me and glad for that. At last many words to say. Thank you BSUIR, hope you more and more of progress and development.

Doan Van The, Vietnam (Faculty of Computer-Aided Design, first degree programme in Electro-Optical Systems and Technologies, 2015)
Upon enrollment at one of Vietnamese universities, I achieved high scores and was offered to continue my studies in Belarus - at BSUIR. I agreed. These five years are remarkable not only for studying. People in your country are nice and warm, Minsk is quite green, and girls are beautiful. It is great that besides studying you may go swimming in the pool or playing football. After graduation, I am going back to Vietnam and I hope to return to Belarus to continue studying at BSUIR.

Gulshat Annaberdiyeva, Turkmenistan (Faculty of Telecommunications, first degree programme in Telecommunication Networks, 2015)
The diploma defense was the brightest event in these five years. I will miss Belarus. My group mates, with whom we made friends, the girls, who helped me to study and understand some words, will stay here. I will miss your beautiful nature and climate. I remember how surprising it was to see snow for the first time ever. It was in Minsk that I went by subway for the first time in my life. In winter, it also gets dark earlier here. At first, it was difficult to get used to it but now it feels fine. I will try my best to return here once more.

Irippuge Priyankara Lakshan Fernando, Sri Lanka (Faculty of Telecommunications, first degree programme in Telecommunication Networks, 2015)
I remember my first day in Belarus as if it was yesterday. The person who picked me up did not speak English. Surprising was that people at the airport stick their hands out to catch a taxi. In Sri Lanka, we use taxi pre-paid booths.
At first, the language barrier disturbed me. I could not read shop signs and once I even bought mayonnaise instead of milk for coffee. Potato pancakes that you make here are yummy. I tried cooking them at home but they taste differently. Belarusian people are quite nice and hospitable. They often approach me and ask me where I come from and how I am getting on. Over these five years, I managed to travel across Belarus. Both Nesvizh and Mir Castles, Bialowieza forest and the Naroch lakes impressed me the most.
I am going to get an Honours Diploma and return home, to Sri-Lanka. I want to work there for a couple of years in my professional field and then come back to Belarus to study at BSUIR again.

Al-Furaiji Oday Jasim Mohammed, Iraq (PhD programme in Information Systems and Computer Networks, 2013)
BSUIR is a bright side of my life, indeed! Thanks to BSUIR, my dream came true…
When I came to Belarus, I entered a preparatory department of BSUIR… There were many interesting and helpful lessons, which allowed me to understand and speak Russian well.
Having graduated from the preparatory department, I entered a PhD programme in Telecommunication Systems and Computer Networks at the Department of Telecommunication Systems and Devices under the scientific leadership of Professor Valery Konopelko and in consultation with Viktor Tsvetkov. We worked a lot and hard together. In fact, I liked our collaborative work and it allowed me to accomplish my PhD thesis successfully.
I would like to thank all members of the Department of Telecommunication Systems and Devices for their support and attention, and especially professor Konopelko for his excellent scientific guidance during the four years of preparation of my PhD thesis, and Viktor Tsvetkov, who helped me in conducting scientific research and consulted me in my research area.
In addition, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to all members of BSUIR International Relations Office, starting from its Head, Anna Titovich, for their support and cooperation.
Finally, let me say thank you to all the faculty and staff of BSUIR. It is impossible to name all of them, as it would take dozens or maybe even more pages. However, they will remain in my heart and will always be ‘a bright side of my life’.
Today I am Head of the Department of Engineering Computer Technologies of Kinouze University College in Iraq. I am glad to have connected BSUIR and Kinouze University College. We have signed an agreement on cooperation, which includes a wide range of agreements aimed at cooperation development in education.
Cooperation with BSUIR is a good start for our university and its development. There is a number of high-qualified teachers and well-known scientists in BSUIR. The exchange of experiences and best practices with BSUIR within the agreements achieved will all Kinouze University College to be actively developing.

Al-Juboori Tareq Mohammed Salman, Iraq (PhD programme in Computing Machines, Complexes and Computer Networks, 2013)
In Belarus it is usually cold outdoors, but we were surrounded by warmth and hospitality of Belarusian people.
I have graduated from a PhD course of BSUIR and I am grateful to everyone, who assisted me through my research and defense of a PhD thesis. Especially I would like to mark my teachers, Dr.Eng. Valery Konopelko and Cand.Sc. Viktor Tsvetkov. They helped me to overcome all difficulties with writing the thesis. As the result of research and scientific work in BSUIR, I received a patent for an invention registered in the Republic of Belarus in 2011.
I would also like to express my thanks to all Belarusian colleagues, especially to Kirill Volkov and Alexander Zhuravlev. I am appreciative of the work of International Relations Office and pay my highest respect to all, whom I did not mention.
Currently I am an assistant professor of Al-Mustansiriya University in Iraq.

Mohamad Fattah, Lebanon (Faculty of Telecommunications, English-medium first degree programme in Telecommunication Networks, 2014)
To the question "What characterizes BSUIR?" I would say:
- High level of teaching
- Sympathetic and considerate treatment
- Fully equipped laboratories
- Multiple on-campus libraries
Experiencing abroad studies has changed my life. International education increases one’s employability. I have arranged my career the way I have always wanted to and I feel now free from fear to start working in any company. I am thankful to all those, who encouraged me in my strivings.

Ashirov Zafar, Turkmenistan (Faculty of Telecommunications, Master programme in Economics and Enterprise Management, 2015)
The university’s great recognition goes together with high-level education and reasonable tuition fees. The University teachers are motived and curious of giving students as much knowledge in their subjects as possible. The staff are involved and always ready to give a helping hand, take their time and explain complicated information once more. I would recommend everyone to get ready to hit the books, but even more to experience breathtaking intercultural dialog.

Yousef Ibrahim Yousef Daradkeh, Jordan (PhD programme in Information Technologies in Automated Systems, 2006)
Let me first thank Professor Batura, BSUIR Rector, on behalf of all Jordanian students for the given opportunity. Special gratitude to the rectorate and the International Relations Office. Jordanians, as well as other foreign students, choose the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics as a world-renowned institution that prepares blue-chip professionals in information sciences. Students of BSUIR are taught according to highly complicated curricula by members of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, professors and doctors of sciences. Fully equipped laboratories and computer classes are at students’ disposal. I look forward to further cooperation between Belarus and Jordan in the field of education.

Gamal Masaud A. Kawan, Libya (PhD programme in Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security, 2013)
I have successfully accomplished my doctoral studies at Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics and defended a thesis. Let me express my gratitude to BSUIR for teaching me to work hard, conduct scientific research and achieve goals both in scientific work, and in everyday life. My studies at the university were arranged perfectly, in full accordance with the recommendations I received. Years spent in Belarus have given me a thousand unforgettable impressions.
Friendly climate in the university and cooperation with my scientific supervisor have set the right tone for successful achievement of goals. Besides, I cannot but admit the welcoming atmosphere in the International Relations Office and its readiness to help solve all the arising problems. Let me say thank you all members of the IRO for their attention, the Department of Information Security and its Head - professor Leonid Lynkov.

Al Masalma Mohammad Ghassan, Syria (Telecommunications Faculty, major in Telecommunication Networks, English-medium study programme, 2014)
Knowledge gained in BSUIR is the backbone of my future career. I am enormously proud to have taken an English medium course, because English is the universal language of business, science, IT and Internet.

Forootan Mostafa Mohammadreza, Iran (Telecommunications Faculty, major in Telecommunication Networks, English-medium study programme, 2014)
Good knowledge of English and high-quality education is essential to find a decent job and promote in your career. BSUIR is remarkable for excellent education and friendly atmosphere. Studying here was a great pleasure.

Youssef Bilal Saleh, Lebanon(Telecommunications Faculty, major in Telecommunication Networks, English-medium study programme, 2014)
Studying in English allowed me to plunge into the language, learn to speak and think in English. I encourage everyone to go abroad for studying if you have a chance!

Okojie Jacobs Ehimare, Nigeria (English-medium Master degree programme in Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security, 2014)
I came to Belarus to study in the English medium Master course Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security. I heard a lot about BSUIR and chose it because the university has some well-equipped laboratories and libraries. People in Belarus are really friendly and hospitable and Minsk- the university’s location - is one of the cleanest and technologically advanced cities in the world.

Alallaq Noora Hashim Mohammed, Iraq (English-medium Master degree programme in Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security, 2013)
Overseas education has always been my dream. After the graduation from an Iraqi university I continued my studies in an English medium Master programme in BSUIR and I do not regret. BSUIR academic staff is high-qualified and its diploma is in demand in Iraq because it guarantees excellent training in one of the world top IT universities.

Firas Dayekh, Lebanon (English-medium Master degree programme in Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security, 2014)
To study abroad a person needs to be independent enough. I decided to look for an English medium programme because learning Russian would take 1 additional year and besides my English is good enough after an English-speaking school. The Master Programmes Department in BSUIR set high standards of education and communication with students from across the globe. There are a lot of guidebooks explaining how to work with the information correctly. It plays a big role both in life and at work. I’ve made new friends everywhere in the world and I am delighted to have gained BSUIR education.