Today the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics has a high scientific and technical potential, a modern research base, the newest experimental equipment. BSUIR R&D Unit  is able to provide comprehensive research on strategic directions and can ensure quality implementation of research and development projects. Research is being conducted by 40 R&D laboratories, groups and centers  in 6 research areas. The university offers S&T services and products  such as technologies, software solutions, equipment and materials. Innovative research activities conducted at BSUIR correspond to the priority areas of scientific and technological development of the country.

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Image courtesy of twobee, cuteimage and Naypong at




Annually more than 350 research projects are conducted under the Union State programmes, state programmes of the Foundation for Fundamental Research and Ministry of Education, commercial contracts with national and foreign industrial enterprises and organizations. University scientists have obtained over 3000 patents on inventions and utility models. Scientific results and developments  of our scientists are annually awarded with prizes and honorable diplomas at prestigious international and national exhibitions and competitions. BSUIR organizes widely acknowledged international scientific conferences, seminars and workshops  in Nanotechnologies, Display Technologies, Pattern Recognition, Data Processing and Protection, Medical Electronics and Information Technologies in Education.


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