The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is always open for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation, knowledge exchange, design and implementation of progressive innovations. The University places much attention on the development of international cooperation with foreign educational and research organizations. BSUIR students and staff are actively engaged in various international programmes and projects:

European Commission programmes

Objective: To strengthen the scientific and technological base of European industry and to encourage its international competitiveness.
Project Title: Strategic cooperation in Ukraine, Belarus and EU in information and communication technologies
Project Title: International cooperative programme for photovoltaic kesterite based technologies
Project Title: Reinforcing carbon nanotubes and photonics research cooperation between the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics and the European Research Area
NB: BSUIR is the first out of Belarusian universities to coordinate a project financed under FP7
Project Title: Deployment of societally beneficial nano- and material technologies in European Partnership Countries
Full programme name: International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the independent states of the former Soviet Union
Objective: To promote, by means of an international effort scientific research in the new independent states of the former Soviet Union, and cooperation between researchers from these countries and the international scientific community.
INTAS 93-3515
Project Title: Synthesis of non-homogeneous composite coatings and development of their non destructive quality control with a view to applications in magnetic recording systems, printing industries, and in motor engines
INTAS 94-1783
Project Title: High-frequency dynamics in discrete and continuous superconducting Josephson systems
INTAS 96-2248
Project Title: Selective three-dimensional electrodeposition of nanophase and amorphous moving microstructure for application in micromachining and Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
INTAS-Belarus 97-0880
Project Title: Plated Cooper Inter connect Systems for Advanced Microelectronics
INTAS-Belarus 97-250
Project Title: Synthesis and investigation of compositethree-dimensional structures for photonic applications
INTAS 03-51-6486
Project Title: Erbium in heterogeneous systems on silicon

the Union State Programmes

BSUIR has accumulated huge experience in international projects under the following programmes of the Russia-Belarus Union State:











BSUIR scientists are actively engaged in the international research projects that are financed under the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (e.g., 18 projects in 2014) and international contracts on the development and supply of science-intensive products and services with organizations from Russia, Chima, Venezuella, France, Germany, the UK, Belgium, etc. More information about Research Projects.



on Educational Programmes:


International Relations Office

Tel: +375 17 293 89 17


on Scientific Programmes:


Marketing and Science Communication Department, R&D Unit

Tel.: +375 17 293 85 71