EU best practices-based education in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Culture for the Belarusian Academia


The project aims to:

promote training in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety culture in the Republic of Belarus through the development and implementation of educational programs at six universities of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the EU's best practices in the field of compliance with international standards, thereby contributing to the safe utilization of nuclear energy in Europe.

Planned activities include:

- development of a new network master's program that meets the requirements of the labor market for the rapidly developing nuclear industry in Belarus and its infrastructure;

- improving the curricula of the master's level in six Belarusian universities in order to ensure a high level of training in the field of radiation safety and development of nuclear safety culture in Beklarusian society;

- updating competencies in the field of nuclear knowledge by updating the methodological support of curricula in close cooperation with European universities using advanced information and communication technologies, as well as network interaction of partner universities and possible employers.

Project duration: 3 years

Project consortium:

P1 - University of Bologna (Italy)

P2 - Belarusian State University (Belarus)

P3 - Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

P4 - Hasselt University (Belgium)

P5 - Graduate School of Mannheim (Germany)

P6 - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus)

P7 - Polotsk State University (Belarus)

P8 - Polesie State University (Belarus)

P9 - Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus)

P10 - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)

Associated partners:

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

АТОМТЕХ company


Sergei Satsuk, academic coordinator

Head of the Department of Electronics of the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics,

+375 (17) 293-85-45, satsuk@bsuir.by

Maria Sokolova, manager

Teacher of English at the Department of Foreign Languages 

+375(17)293-22-61, m.sokolova@bsuir.by

Project news:

An additional request for tenders was announced on December 9, 2021. Procurement procedure Request for price proposals No. 2021-948653

On October 27, 2021, a tender for the purchase of equipment was announced. In order to implement the plan to equip the BSUIR training laboratories with equipment within the framework of the project "Training based on the best practices of the EU countries in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety culture for the Belarusian academic community" (No. 609721-EPP-1-2019-1- IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) a tender and expert commission have been created at BSUIR (Order No. 374 of 07.10.2021), a package of tender documents has been prepared, which are posted on the website of the national information resource , an invitation letter has been prepared and sent out to potential equipment suppliers to participate in the procurement procedure.

Information about the procurement procedure No. 2021-939228 is available on the website

The package of tender documents containing 10 lots for the purchase of equipment has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission.

Package of documents:

an order on the organization and conduct of the procedure for requesting price proposals and the creation of competitive and expert commissions;

letter of invitation to participate in the equipment purchase procedure;

task for the purchase of equipment;

draft agreement.


October 25 – 29, 2021, a training staff was held for teachers of Belarusian universities at Polytechnic University of Valencia in an online format.

    14 teachers and representatives of the administration of Belarusian universities took part in the internship dedicated to the principles and tools related to nuclear safety. During the internship, teachers of Belarusian universities heard reports from specialists from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Agency for Safety and Emergency Response of Valencia, as well as the Cofrentes nuclear power plant, Spain, on the topics of radiation safety, nuclear waste management, risk assessment, prevention and prevention of accidents at nuclear facilities.


On  October 19 - 21, 2021, a training staff was held for teachers of Belarusian universities at University of Bologna in an online format.

  8 teachers of Belarusian universities took part in the training on the European Higher Education Area principles and tools for the development of Master in line with Bologna System. During the training, teachers from Belarusian universities listened to the reports of specialists from the University of Bologna, Italy, on the topics of admission procedures for Master’s Degrees, the roles of the Degree program manager and directors, quality assurance and the European Standard Guidelines of degree programs.

On September 27 - October 1, 2021, a training staff was held for teachers of Belarusian universities at Hasselt University in an online format.

13 teachers of Belarusian universities took part in the training on radiation protection, environmental monitoring of the radiation situation and nuclear waste management. During the training, teachers of Belarusian universities listened to the reports of Belgian researchers, completed practically the tasks and virtually visited the laboratory of Hasselt University.

April 5, 2021 On the basis of BSU, a round table was organized with the participation of representatives of BSU and BSUIR, as well as representatives of organizations and enterprises interested in graduates of the master's degree in Nuclear and Radiation Safety.

The round table was attended by representatives of: the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, the State Enterprise "Belarusian NPP", the unitary enterprise "ATOMTECH"

On November 23-24, 2020, a kickoff online meeting of the project took place. During the meeting, partner universities of the project consortium had a chance to present their universities and project teams. The project consortium identified tasks for the first project quarter, discussed issues of developing a network master's program, and dissemination and use of project results. In addition, participants were provided with the consultations on project administration, finance and reporting.