Youth policy and education

The State youth policy in the Republic of Belarus is an integral part of the State social policyeconomic, cultural and national development of the republic and is aimed at creating the necessary conditions for young citizens to choose their life path, develop the potential for self-realization and responsible and active participation in the creation of a strong and prosperous Belarus.

Young people accounted for a quarter of the country’s population, so investing in young people was the most important investment for the State.

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is widely known not only as a leading university for training highly qualified specialists in informatics, radioelectronics and telecommunications, but also as a university, where special attention is paid to the organization of educational space.

The implementation of the youth policy in BSUIR is aimed at development of students' social and personal, general cultural and moral competencies (values);  creation of conditions for active life and professional self-realization; protecting the health of young people as a social resource.

The BSUIR implements a set of measures aimed at the development of physical culture and sports, health and physical education of students and employees of the university, the formation of their healthy lifestyle. In 1968, the BSUIR Sports Club was established and carries out activities for the development of physical culture and sports among undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic staff and university employees.

To this end, a Cultural and Mass Work Centre has been established and is working creatively. The Center organizes cultural leisure, promotes the creation of favorable conditions for the development of amateur creativity, artistic and intellectual abilities of young people, supervises the work of the University’s creative teams, and is also engaged in the organization of cultural and intellectualmass event.

A feature of the information space of our university is the presence of its own Youth TV. In 2001 it was created as Student TV, in 2013 it was rebranded, now called Youth TV (MolTV). MolTV works on the basis of the video studio of the press service.

Since 1985 the newspaper «Impulse» is published, which in the process of formation of public opinion performs an educational function, offering attention to its audience, including youth, qualitative, rich information with elements of analysis. Any student or university employee has the opportunity to publish their material in the newspaper.

The youth policy in the BSUIR is aimed at the development of a humane personality, characterized by social and professional competence, with a clear civic position, a sense of patriotism and human dignity.