Psychological service

Dear students, If for any reason the student can not visit the psychologist personally, ask the psychologist (psychoanalyst) online

Online Consultation Opportunities: The speed and convenience of contacting a psychologist online from home - all you need is the Internet at hand and knowledge of the Internet - address and anonymity - your application will remain your secret. We will be glad to help you and see you in person. Remember, a physical encounter is the most effective way to find a way out of a difficult situation and take the right path.

If you are in a difficult life situation, there are problems in the process of training and living in a hostel, can not find common language with others, experience depression, stress, lack of support, feel lonely, no one to talk to: call the BSUIR Helpline and you will help qualified psychologists!

Helplines: +375 17 293-21-44, +375 17 293 85 77


The Psychological Service of BSUIR renders personalized psychological and legal assistance to students, thus creating conditions for full personal and intellectual development, successful socialization, professional formation and life self-determination of the young person.

Psychological services are designed to provide timely, professional, quality, accessible assistance.


Psychological service activity

The main directions of the psychological service:

1. Psychological education is aimed at developing positive attitudes towards psychological assistance and broadening the horizon in the field of psychological knowledge. Educational activities are carried out through thematic talks, round tables, seminars in educational groups, in dormitories of the campus.

2. Individual psychological counselling - personal and confidential conversation aimed at providing psychological assistance to a person if he has a problem. Individual consultation of university students is carried out on the issues of learning, interpersonal communication, self-regulation, personal growth, overcoming stress and signs of depression, resolving internal and interpersonal conflicts.

3. Diagnostic work is carried out through individual and group testing. Psychological tests are effective tools for a person to know himself. Psychological diagnostics allows to study: basic properties of personality, individual-typological features, value orientations, motivational and volitional components of cognitive processes, interpersonal relationships in the team; psychological problems arising at different stages of university studies. Data obtained through individual diagnosis are confidential and not subject to disclosure.

4. Training job, trainings are held for students to improve interpersonal communication skills, conflict resolution, personal growth, self-regulation.

Classes are held in groups of 10-15 people.

Topics of the training sessions:

- Communication training. Purpose: development of communication skills and effective communication.

- Training «Conflict Resolution». Purpose: to provide participants with an opportunity to gain experience of constructive conflict resolution.

- Training of group cohesion. Purpose: development of skills and skills of team interaction.

- Training of personal growth. Purpose: development of personal resources in the realization of goals in life.

- Leadership Training Objective: Leadership development.

- Training of self-regulation. Purpose: development of skills of overcoming negative emotional states.

- Training of creativity. The goal: to realize creativity and its development.

- Training «Antistress». The goal: increasing individual stress resistance.