Polina Nikitenko: "Hold on and success will come to you!"
BSUIR students show outstanding results not only in their studies, but also in sports. For example, recently Polina Nikitenko, a 2nd year student, Faculty of Computer-Aided Design, was awarded with a grant by the Belarusian Students' Sports Association. Learn how Polina manages to combine study and sports.
- I started in my third grade at school. At first it was for fun, but a year later I’ve moved to a school, which specialized in swimming, and began to train professionally.
- What are your main achievements in sport?
- I am the Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus in swimming. Since 2013 I’ve been a member of the National Team of the Republic of Belarus in swimming. Many times I won championships of the Republic of Belarus. I am the gold winner of the National Student Sport Universiade in 2013 and silver winner in 2014. I took the first place in a number of BSUIR Students Sport Games among faculties.
- How do you manage to combine studies at a technical university and sport?
- At first it was hard to combine studies with sport activities. It is very difficult to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning for training, and then go to the university, and after it to continue training. Sometimes I have no strength left even to cook something for meal. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
About sport
- Polina, how long ago did you start swimming?- I started in my third grade at school. At first it was for fun, but a year later I’ve moved to a school, which specialized in swimming, and began to train professionally.
- What are your main achievements in sport?
- I am the Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus in swimming. Since 2013 I’ve been a member of the National Team of the Republic of Belarus in swimming. Many times I won championships of the Republic of Belarus. I am the gold winner of the National Student Sport Universiade in 2013 and silver winner in 2014. I took the first place in a number of BSUIR Students Sport Games among faculties.
- How do you manage to combine studies at a technical university and sport?
- At first it was hard to combine studies with sport activities. It is very difficult to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning for training, and then go to the university, and after it to continue training. Sometimes I have no strength left even to cook something for meal. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
About studies
- Why did you choose BSUIR?- Just a month before the admission campaign I took this decision on the advice of my coach and I decided to try. Although there have left no time for preparation, still I’ve managed. Sports hardening helped me.
- Is your student life a fun time?
- Yes, student life is a very fun time for me. Living in a dorm, getting new friends, experiencing a new life style - it's really fun here.
- What qualities and skills did you have to develop during your studies?
- In my case, I learned time management - how to plan my time so effectively, as to do everything.
- What do you see yourself doing after graduation?
- I still can not imagine myself after graduation, but I think that I will succeed in life.
About herself
- What is your formula of success?- Do not give up, and you’ll become successful!
- What will you wish to BSUIR prospective students?
- I would like to wish them good luck in their studies and in life, and, of course, strong health. Do not give up in any case, bring it to the end!