Tonkonogov Boris
Associate professor of electronic technique and technology department, Ph. D. in technical sciences, associate professorMinsk, P. Brovki str., building 6, room 30.
Phone: +375 17 293-80-76
E-mail: boristonkonogov@bsuir.by
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Professional interests/researches:
• conducting scientific research related to mathematical and computer modeling;
• design, development and implementation of modern information systems and technologies in educational process and production;
• automation of educational activities and development of specialized training courses on modern information systems and technologies and mathematical and computer modeling.
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics:
• 1996 - 2001 years - training (computer design faculty, specialty "Design and technology of electronic computing facilities", qualification "engineer-electronic-designer");
• 2002 - 2004 years - training (postgraduate study, specialty "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes").
Retraining and advanced training:
1. "Pro / ENGINEER basics". SIROB, Minsk, 2001.
2. "Basics of DEFORMTM-3D and DEFORMTM-HT". TESIS, Moscow, 2001.
3. Advanced training courses in German. RIHE, Minsk, 2003.
4. Advanced training courses of IAEA. ISEU, Minsk, 2007.
5. "ArcGIS Desktop III: GIS workflows and analysis". DATA+, Moscow, 2009.
6. "Creation of quality management system of educational institution in accordance with STB ISO 9001". RIHE, Minsk, 2010.
7. "School of e-learning". Hi-tech park, Minsk, 2011.
8. Advanced training courses academic English. ISEU, Minsk, 2013.
9. "Technologies of e-learning". RIHE, Minsk, 2015.
10. "Environmental management" within the coordination meeting of the "EcoBRU" project. IEBTNTU, Kiev, 2015.
11. "Transport, Health and Environment". CTR, Brno, 2016.
12. Retraining at the level of higher education in the specialty 1-09 01 71 "Management of vocational education institutions", Minsk, 2017.
13. "Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education". RIHE, Minsk, 2018.
Working career:
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics:
• 1997 - 2001 years - work (research laboratory "Computer modeling of technological processes", position - technician);
• 2001 - 2002 years - work (research laboratory "Computer modeling of technological processes", position - process engineer);
• 2002 - 2004 years - work (research laboratory "Computer modeling of technological processes", position - junior researcher);
• 2002 - 2004 years - training (postgraduate studies, specialty "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes");
• 2004 - present time - work (electronic technique and technology department, positions: professor, associate professor).
United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:
• 2005 - 2006 years - dissertation defense and obtaining Ph. D. diploma (topic "Models and software for analysis of steel products hardening processes").
International Sakharov Environmental University:
• 2004 - 2006 years - work (ecological information systems department, research laboratory "Information systems and technologies in ecology", positions: professor, junior researcher);
• 2006 - 2011 years - work (ecological information systems department, research laboratory "Information systems and technologies in ecology", positions: associate professor, senior researcher);
• 2008 year - obtaining certificate of associate professor (specialty "Informatics and computer engineering");
• 2011 - 2015 years - work (distance learning faculty, ecological information systems department, positions: dean, associate professor).
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University:
• 2015 - 2018 years - work (educational and methodological department, ecological information systems department, positions: head, associate professor);
• 2018 - present time - work (educational and methodological laboratory of innovative education technologies, information technologies in ecology and medicine department, positions: head, associate professor).
Research topics and results:
1. Development of mathematical and computer models of process of plasma coatings structure forming. BSUIR, Minsk, 2001.
2. Development of techniques and software for computer diagnostics of heat treatment processes of automotive equipment parts. BSUIR, Minsk, 2003.
3. Mathematical modeling of temperature stresses in pipe wall of main gas pipeline during welding of defects. IHMT NASB, Minsk, 2008.
4. Methods and algorithms for building of integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing. BNTU, Minsk, 2018.
5. Creation of reference information retrieval system "Pollen of woody and shrub plants growing on territory of Republic of Belarus". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2018.
6. Creation of online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district. ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2020.
Taught academic subjects
1. Computer modeling of technological systems.
2. Computer science and programming (basics of information technology).
3. Engineering and computer graphics.
4. Engineering graphics.
5. Information technology.
6. Methods of complex systems development.
7. Methods of information systems development.
8. Modeling and optimization of technological systems.
9. Programming in C.
10. Technology of radio-electronic means and modeling of technological systems.
11. Web applications programming.
1. Environmental data processing methods (90 hours (2,5 credit points)
2. Network technologies for processing and transmitting of information (90 hours (2,5 credit points)
3. Programming of mobile applications (54 hours (1,5 credit points)
4. Software for electronic means (252 hours (7,0 credit points)
5. Software for electro-optical systems (180 hours (5,0 credit points)
6. Systems and technologies for developing of applications for mobile devices (220 hours (6,0 credit points)
Main publications
Laboratory workshops:
1. Tonkonogov B. A, Visotskiy O. P. Software for electronic means. Laboratory workshop: manual. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017. - 67 p.: ill. (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/29074).
Articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific papers:
1. Zhuk E. Yu., Krasovskiy V. I., Tonkonogov B. A., Grigor’eva E. E, Kapustina T. G. Designing distance courses in light of additional education of specialists // Ecological bulletin: scientific and practical journal. - No. 3(37). - Minsk: ISEI BSU, 2016. - P. 19 - 23.
2. Tonkonogov B. A., Kundas S. P., Moroz A. E. Architecture and functionality of integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing // System analysis and applied informatics: international scientific and technical journal. - No. 4 (2017). - Minsk: BNTU, 2017. - P. 4 - 15.
3. Poznyak S. S, Khokh A. N, Tonkonogov B. A. Practical aspects of using information retrieval system "Pollen of plants growing in Republic of Belarus" in forensic science and ecology // Journal of Belarusian State University. Ecology. - No. 1. 2020. - Minsk: BSU, 2020. - P. 91 - 97.
4. Germenchuk M. G., Zhuravkov V. V., Kononchuk T. P., Shidlovskaya T. A., Golovatiy S. E., Tonkonogov B. A. Conceptual approaches to development of information resource "Online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district" // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Ecology. - No. 3. 2020. - Minsk: BSU, 2020. - P. 30 - 40.
Articles in collections of materials of forums and conferences:
1. Krasovskiy V. I., Zhuk E. Yu., Tonkonogov B. A., Grigorieva E. E., Kapustina T. G. Methodological and technical features of design and implementation of distance learning courses for additional education of specialists // Engineering education: challenges and developments: materials of VIII International scientific and methodical confernce (Minsk, November 17 - 18, 2016). In 2 parts. Part 1 / editorial board: E. N. Zhivitskaya [et al.]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2016. - 326 p. - P. 264 - 267.
2. Golosov D. A, Zavadskiy S. M, Melnikov S. N., Kolos V. V, Okodzhi D. E, Tonkonogov B. A. Polarization of strontium-bismuth tantalate films doped with niobium // Mikro- and nanotechnology in electronics. Materials of the IX International scientific and technical conference / editorial board: A. M. Karmokov, O. A. Molokanov. - Nal’chik: Kabardino-Balkarian University, 2017. - 523 p. - P. 229 - 233.
3. Tonkonogov B. A., Kundas S. P., Moroz A. E., Maslovskaya E. S. Features of building of server database of integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing // Information technologies in education, science and production: VI International scientific and technical Internet conference, November 17 - 18, 2018. Section "Information technology in production and scientific research" [Electronic resource]. - 2018.
1. Zhuravkov V. V., Tonkonogov B. A., Golovaty S. E., Artsimenya M. V. Concept for creation of information resource "Creation of online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district". - Minsk: ISEI BSU, 2020. - 40 p.
Acts of introduction (practical use) of scientific and technical products and results of research work in production and educational process:
1. "Methods and algorithms for building integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing". Trisoft LLC, Minsk, 2018.
2. "Methods and algorithms for building integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing". Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, 2018.
3. "Creation of online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district". International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, Minsk, 2020.
Registration certificates:
1. Tonkonogov B. A. Electronic resource for academic discipline "Network technologies for processing and transmitting of information". 26.05.2017 No. 310. - Minsk: Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2017.
2. Tonkonogov B. A. Electronic resource for academic discipline "Software for electronic means". 17.01.2020 No. 537. - Minsk: Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2020.
3. Tonkonogov B. A. Electronic resource for academic discipline "Software for electro-optical systems". 17.06.2020 No. 568. - Minsk: Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2020.
4. Tonkonogov B. A. Electronic educational-methodical complex for discipline "Programming of mobile applications". 24.11.2020 No. 1202023833. - Minsk: Institute of Applied Programming Systems, 2020.
Exhibits and participation in exhibitions, forums, symposia and seminars:
1. "Electronic educational portal". XXVI International specialized exhibition "TIBO-2019", Minsk, 2019.
Applications and participation in international projects and government programs:
1. Joint Belarusian-Ukrainian scientific and technical project "Geographic information system for potential analyzing and non-traditional energy resources’ using", 2016.
2. State program of scientific research "Informatics, space and security" (subprogram 1 "Informatics and space research" and task 1.3.06 "Methods and algorithms for building integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing"), 2016 - 2018.
3. State program of scientific research "Informatics, space and security" (subprogram 2 "Scientific support of protection against emergencies and forensic activities" and task 3.2.01 "Development of new approaches to study of objects of plant origin in forensic research"), 2016 - 2018.
4. State program of scientific research "Nature management and ecology" (subprogram 3 "Radiation and natural systems" and task 3.18 "Development of model for formation of foundations of environmental safety as main environmental component in framework of solving tasks of National strategy for sustainable socio-economic development of Republic of Belarus (NSSD)"), 2016 - 2018.
5. Accelerator program for multimedia online learning projects (area - global challenges), 2019.
6. Projekt "E-Learning - Bioökonomie in Belarus und Ukraine", 2019.
7. State program "Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources" (subprogram 5 "Ensuring functioning, development and improvement of National environmental monitoring system in Republic of Belarus" and event 50 "Creation of online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district"), 2016 - 2020.
8. Joint Belarusian-Turkish scientific project "Development of a Web-oriented information and analytical system of public access for comprehensive study of impact of climate change on main biogeocenoses and ecosystems at various regional levels" (competition of joint scientific projects with the Council for scientific and technological research of Turkey "BRFFR-TÜBİTAK-2021" and directions "Computer science and information technology", "Chemistry and Earth sciences" and "Agrarian and biological sciences"), 2021 - 2022.
9. State program of scientific research 10 "Natural resources and the environment" (subprogram 10.3 "Radiation and biological systems" and research work "Development of a Web-oriented information and analytical system of public access for comprehensive study of impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on various regional levels"), 2021 - 2025.
Distance learning courses, electronic educational resources and tools for automating of educational activities:
1. "Key competencies in field of radioecology". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2016.
2. "Competence of specialist in field of environmental safety". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2016.
3. "Practical ecology in framework of implementation of distance education". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2016.
4. "Project activities in environmental education of students". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2016.
5. "Environmental ethics: current problems and methods of study". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2016.
6. "Network technologies for processing and transmitting of information". BSUIR, Minsk, 2016.
7. "Computer modeling of technological systems". BSUIR, Minsk, 2016.
8. "International student olympiad "Environmental Safety". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2017.
9. "Software for electronic means". BSUIR, Minsk, 2017.
10. "Programming of mobile applications". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2018.
11. "Information technology". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2018.
12. "Environmental safety". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2018.
13. "International ecological olympiad of universities of CIS countries". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2019.
14. "Certification of employees of structural divisions". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2019.
15. "Systems and technologies for developing applications for mobile devices". BSUIR, Minsk, 2020.
Scientific and technical developments and information resources:
1. integrated information system for renewable energy sources’ potential analyzing. BNTU, Minsk, 2018.
2. Information retrieval system "Pollen of woody and shrub plants growing on territory of Republic of Belarus". ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2018.
3. Online monitoring system of environmental components’ state of Orsha town and Orsha district. ISEI BSU, Minsk, 2020.
Merits, awards, incentives:
Grants, scholarships, certificates, diplomas and contracts:
1. Diploma of Belarusian State University for many years of fruitful work and in connection with 25th anniversary of founding of institute, Minsk, 2017.
2. Honorable diploma of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University for training of highly qualified specialists and in connection with 29th anniversary of founding of institute, Minsk, 2021.