Assistatnt professor
Minsk, P. Brovky str., 6, building 1, 143-1
Phone: +375 17 293-85-81
E-mail: b.bbb@bsuir.by
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Professional interests/researches:
- ion beam methods of forming functional coatings for optics, optoelectronics, microelectronics, mechanical engineering.
- Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, 1977,
- postgraduate study at the MREI 1981-1984.
- USA, 1997 RMI company, internship.
Professional development:
- 2017, Minsk, «Design of educational content for EMC»
Working career:
Minsk Research Device-Making Institute, design engineer of the 3rd category, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, post-graduate student, junior researcher, assistant, senior lecturer. Research topics: deposition of carbon nitride coatings, formation of dielectric coatings with low dielectric constant.
Taught academic subjects
- «Software-controlled technological equipment» (90 hours),
- «Technology of radio-electronic means and modeling of technological systems» (32 hours),
- «Technology of software-controlled electronic means» (16 hours), «Physical and chemical foundations of micro- and nanoelectronics» (8 hours)
Main publication:
1.Innovative technologies and equipment for submicron electronics/A.P.Dostanko [and others]; ed.acad. NAS of Belarus A.P.Dostanko.-Minsk:Belaruskaya Navuka, 2020.-260p.
2. Telesh, E.V. Technological modules and devices of software-controlled equipment for the production of electronics products. Laboratory workshop: manual / E. V. Telesh, Ya. A. Soloviev. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .- 75 p. : ill.
3. Telesh, E.V. Stoichiometry of silicon dioxide films obtained by ion-beam sputtering / E.V. Telesh // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. - 2018. - T. 85. - No. 1. - P. 76 - 81.
4. Telesh, E.V. Optical characteristics of thin films of silicon dioxide obtained by direct deposition from ion beams / E.V. Telesh, A.P. Dostanko, A. Yu. Vashurov // Dokl. BGUIR. - 2015. - No. 8 (94). - P. 81 - 85.
5. Technologies of submicron structures of microelectronics / A. P. Dostanko [and others]; ed. acad. NAS of Belarus A.P. Dostanko. - Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2018 .- 270 p.
6. Telesh, E.V. Formation of heat-resistant contacts for devices with a Schottky barrier based on gallium arsenide/E.V.Telesh//Electronics-info.-2015.-No.5 (119). - P. 57 - 59.
7. Telesh, E.V. Passivation of field-effect transistors with a Schottky barrier on gallium arsenide using ion-beam sputtering of dielectric targets / E.V. Telesh // Electronics-info. - 2015. - No. 7 (121). - P. 59 - 62.
8. Dostanko, A.P. Design and manufacture of integrated electronics products. Laboratory workshop: manual / A.P. Dostanko et al. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2015. - 82 p. : ill.
9. Lanin, V. L. Ion beam soldering in vacuum / V. L. Lanin, E. V. Telesh // Technologies in the electronic industry. - 2007. - No. 7. - P. 64-68.
10. Integrated technologies of functional micro-and nanostructures: monograph / A.P.Dostanko [et al.]; ed.acad. NAS of Belarus A.P. Dostanko.-Minsk: Bestprint, 2013.-165 p.
11. Gursky, L.I. Influence of synthesis conditions on the electrical transport properties of ferroelectric films of lead zirconate-titanate / L.I. Gursky [et al.] // Dokl. BSUIR. - 2011. - No. 3 (57). - P. 44 - 49.
12. Electrophysical processes and equipment in micro- and nanoelectronic technology: monograph / A. P. Dostanko [and others]; ed. A.P. Dostanko, A.M. Rusetsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2011 .- 210 p .: ill.
13. Petrov, A.V. Formation of PbZr0.54Ti0.46O3 structures in tracks of fast heavy ions / A. V. Petrov et al. // Reports of BSUIR. - 2010. - No. 3 (49). - P. 62 - 67.