Head of the E-learning System Support Department, CDED BSUIR
Minsk, 28 Kozlova str., off 303
Phone: +375 17 373-69-13
E-mail: specialist@bsuir.by
Repository of BSUIR
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Professional interests/researches:
- сomputer systems and networks,
- data analysis automation,
- modern information technologies (geographic information systems, distance learning, electronic textbooks, etc.).
2017 - BSUIR, specialty «Automated information processing systems»;
2018 - BSUIR, Master’s degree, specialty «Devices, systems and products of medical purpose».
Trainings, professional development:
2018 - NIHE, «Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education»;
2019 - BSUIR, «Regulatory legal documents on the organization of the educational process at BSUIR».
Working career:
2017 - 2020 - software engineer of the ETT Department;
September 2020 - present - Head of the E-learning System Support Department, CDED BSUIR;
September 2017 - present - part-time basis - Assistant of the ETT Department.
Master's thesis topic: System for analyzing the reliability of test results.
Taught academic subjects:
«Software for electronic means» (practical and laboratory studies).
«Network technologies for processing and transmitting information» (practical and laboratory studies).