Professor, Ph.D, full professor
Minsk, P. Brovki Str., 6, building 1, office 133
Phone: +375 17 293-88-88
E-mail: vlanin@bsuir.by
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Professional interests/researches:
Assembly and mounting technology of electronic modules using the energy of ultrasonic vibrations, electromagnetic heating, infrared and laser radiation.
He graduated from the Minsk Radio-Technical Institute (MRTI) in 1971, specializing in design and production engineering of the REA, postgraduate study on the job at the MRTI in 1978, defended his PhD. thesis in 1982 in the specialty «Technology of production of radio technical devices», in 2005 defended his doctoral dissertation on specialty «Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and electronic devices». Passed an internship at Holding «INTEGRAL» in 2015, advanced training at the RIVS on the topic «Designing educational content for educational materials» in 2017.
Working career:
He was assigned to the MRTI in 1971 as an engineer, since 1972 - a junior researcher, since 1973 - assistant at the Department of Radio Electronics Technology, since 1985 - associate professor, since 2005 - full professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology.
Themes of Ph.D. thesis - "Activation of soldering processes by ultrasonic and electromagnetic oscillations in the production of radio technical devices", defended at the North-West Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, February 15, 1982, doctoral dissertation - "Formation of multi component contact connections of electronic products in ultrasonic and electromagnetic fields ", protected in BSUIR 06.10.2005.
Research topics - the processes of forming power contact connections in electronics products using highly conductive metals and lead-free alloys, ultrasonic vibrations and energy of electromagnetic radiation of a wide range of wavelengths.
A method is proposed for controlling the electrical and mechanical properties of contact joints based on lead-free alloys, including the choice of frequency and amplitude of oscillations, as well as the force applied to the crystal. To reduce the alternating mechanical stresses in crystals, the vibration amplitude is reduced to 2-3 microns, but to maintain the required energy level, the vibration frequency is increased to 110 kHz, which creates an ultrasound intensity sufficient to destroy oxide films on the solder at a temperature of 300-320 ° C and a time of 150- 250 ms. The research results are planned to be used in the technological processes of assembling power electronics products at Holding «INTEGRAL», as well as in the creation of crystal mounting installations at Holding «PLANAR-SO».
Taught academic subjects:
Technology of production of software-controlled electronic devices - 96 hours,
Mathematical modeling and optimization of technological processes - 20 hours,
Additive technology of innovative production - 20 hours,
Technology for assembling 3D integration modules - 32 hours,
Technology of radio electronic means and modeling of technological systems - 32 hours.
Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
Merits, awards, incentives:
Certificate of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus on awarding the third prize for the development of the abilities of gifted pupils and students in 2013.
Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus in 2019 for many years of creative scientific and pedagogical work
Certificate of honor of BSUIR 2021 for achieving high indicators in the development of science and innovation