Kuzmar Inna
Head of R&D Lab "Functional thin-film structures"PhD, associate professor
Minsk, P. Brovki Str., 6, building 1, office 22
Phone: +375 17 293 88 98
E-mail: kuzmar@bsuir.by
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Professional interests/researches
• electrochemical deposition of coatings and alloys,
• non-stationary electrolysis,
• lead-free technology
• In 2003 she defended her thesis on the topic "Formation of Silver Coatings with a Strengthening Phase from Ultradispersed Diamonds", for the degree of PhD in Engineering, specialty "Technology and Equipment for the Production of Semiconductors, Materials and Electronic Devices".
1998-2001 - postgraduate study on a day-release basis in the specialty "Technology and Equipment for the Production of Semiconductors, Materials and Electronic Devices".
• In 1997 she graduated from the full course of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics with a degree in Design and Production of Radioelectronic Devices with the qualification of a Radio Engineer - Designer - Technologist. She received an honors degree.
• In 1992 she graduted from Molodechno Vocational school No. 87 of Instrument-Making with the profession "Assembler of Radio-Electronic Equipment and Devices" and was qualified as an Assembler of Radio-Electronic Equipment of the fourth category.
Working career:
Since November 2020 — head of the R&D Lab 9.2 "Functional thin-film strucutres"
After finishing the graduate school, since November 2001 she worked as a Research Assistant at the R&D Lab 10.2, BSUIR.
By assignment, from August 1997 to October 1998, she worked at the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technologies of BSUIR as a Process Engineer.
During the period of study at BSUIR from Otober 1996 to May 1997 she completed targeted training for engineering specialists in economics, management and entrepreneurship at the special Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects:
• Measuring systems in the production of submicron structures (120 teaching hours (3.0 CU));
• Specialized diagnostic equipment for submicron structures (198 teaching hours (6.0 CU)).
Merits, awards, incentives:
• In 2001 she became the Laureate of the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus among young scientists