Bandaryk Vasili
Associate professor,PhD, associate professor
Dean Faculty of Pre-University Preparation and Occupational Guidance
Gikalo Str., 9, building 4, office 422, 220013, Belarus, Minsk;
P. Brovki Str., 6, building 1, room 122
Phone: +375 17 293-85-85; +375 17 293-84-14
E-mail: bondarik@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
• Medical electronics, Lifelong and E-learning.
• 2000 - Defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Processes and devices for assembling electronic equipment under the combined action of ultrasonic and electromagnetic fields" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty "Equipment for the production of electronic technology", BSUIR, Belarus.
• 1995-1999 - Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Equipment for the production of electronic technology".
• 1988 - Graduated from the full course of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (renamed into BSUIR in 1993), Belarus, qualification of design engineer, technologist of radio-electronic equipment. Received an honors degree.
Working career
• 2017-present - Dean Faculty of Pre-University Preparation and Occupational Guidance, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2016-2017 - Vice-Dean Faculty of Lifelong and E-learning Studies, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2009-2016 - Dean Faculty of Lifelong and E-learning Studies, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2008-2009 - Vice-Dean Faculty of correspondence, evening and distance learning, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2001-2008 - associate professor of the Department of ETE BSUIR;
• 1998-2001 - assistant of the Department of ETE BSUIR;
• 1994-1998 - engineer 1st category of the department MET BSUIR;
• 1988-1994 - design engineer 2nd category of the special department functional and cost analysis of the Production Association "Caliber";
Taught academic subjects
• Information technologies for the electronic devices engineering (344 teaching hours (9.0 credit points));
• Telemedicine (80 teaching hours (2.0 credit points));
• Automated research systems (120 teaching hours (3.0 credit points));
• Medical systems design theory (198 teaching hours (6.0 credit points)).
Main publications
More than 350 scientific publications, including 100+ papers in international journals and conferences, six patents.
• Medical electronics, Lifelong and E-learning.
• 2000 - Defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Processes and devices for assembling electronic equipment under the combined action of ultrasonic and electromagnetic fields" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty "Equipment for the production of electronic technology", BSUIR, Belarus.
• 1995-1999 - Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Equipment for the production of electronic technology".
• 1988 - Graduated from the full course of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (renamed into BSUIR in 1993), Belarus, qualification of design engineer, technologist of radio-electronic equipment. Received an honors degree.
Working career
• 2017-present - Dean Faculty of Pre-University Preparation and Occupational Guidance, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2016-2017 - Vice-Dean Faculty of Lifelong and E-learning Studies, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2009-2016 - Dean Faculty of Lifelong and E-learning Studies, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2008-2009 - Vice-Dean Faculty of correspondence, evening and distance learning, associate professor, BSUIR;
• 2001-2008 - associate professor of the Department of ETE BSUIR;
• 1998-2001 - assistant of the Department of ETE BSUIR;
• 1994-1998 - engineer 1st category of the department MET BSUIR;
• 1988-1994 - design engineer 2nd category of the special department functional and cost analysis of the Production Association "Caliber";
Taught academic subjects
• Information technologies for the electronic devices engineering (344 teaching hours (9.0 credit points));
• Telemedicine (80 teaching hours (2.0 credit points));
• Automated research systems (120 teaching hours (3.0 credit points));
• Medical systems design theory (198 teaching hours (6.0 credit points)).
Main publications
More than 350 scientific publications, including 100+ papers in international journals and conferences, six patents.