Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology
Doctor of Technical Sciences; assistant professor
General Director of JSC "Planar"
Minsk, street, Kuhlman,15-139
Phone: +375 17 226 03 63
Professional interests/researches
• electronic instrumentation.
• Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, specialty "Automated control systems, qualification - electrical engineer
Working career.
• 1972-1977 - student of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute
• 1977-1979 - designer of the 3rd category of the Special Design and Technological Bureau with pilot production at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Minsk
• 1979-1981 - Senior Engineer of the Special Design and Technological Bureau with pilot production at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR
• 1981-1983 - Leading Engineer of the Central Research and Design Technological Institute of Organization and Management Technology, Minsk
• 1983-1984 - Deputy Head of the Department of Machining on Machine Tools with Numerical Control of the Minsk Design and Technological Experimental Institute of the Automotive Industry
• 02.1984-11.1984 - and about. Head of the Research Department of Control Systems of the Minsk Design and Technological Experimental Institute of the Automotive Industry
• 1984-1987 - Leading Designer, Precision Electronic Engineering Design Bureau, Minsk
• 1987-1989 - Head of Laboratory, Precision Electronic Engineering Design Bureau
• 1989-1992 - Head of Department, Precision Electronic Engineering Design Bureau
• 1992-1996 - Head of the Department of the State Research and Production Enterprise "KBTEM-OMO", Minsk
• 1996-2000 - Deputy Chief Engineer for Electronics - Head of the Department of the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "KBTEM-OMO"
• 2000-2004 - Deputy Chief Engineer for Electronics - Head of the Department of the Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "KBTEM-OMO"
• 2004-2005 - First Deputy General Director - Technical Director of the State Scientific and Production Concern of Precision Engineering "Planar", Minsk
• 2005-2007 - chief engineer - chief designer of control and measuring equipment of the scientific and production republican unitary enterprise "KBTEM-OMO"
• 2007-2014 - Director of the Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "KBTEM-OMO" (in 2014, the scientific and production republican unitary enterprise "KBTEM-OMO" was transformed into an open joint-stock company "KBTEM-OMO")
• 2014-2019 - Director of the open joint-stock company "KBTEM-OMO"
• 2019-present time - General Director of Planar Open Joint Stock Company
Taught academic subjects
• Control systems for electro-optical complexes
• Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control systems
Merits, awards, incentives
- In 2002 he defended his thesis on "Methods of automatic control of the topology of planar structures and their implementation in electronic engineering", for which he was awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2008 he defended his thesis on "Automatic control of the topology of submicron planar structures in the manufacture of microelectronic products" in the specialty "Topology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and electronic devices", for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.
- In 2000, he was awarded the title of Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus for 2000 in the field of technology for the work "Creation and development in production of a complex of competitive precision equipment for the manufacture of high-precision originals of topologies of electronic products", and in 2013 he was awarded the Francisk Skorina medal.