Alexander Volkovets
Simulation and statistical analysis of random processes, digital signal processing
- 1976-1981 - Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (new name "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"), specialty "Electronic computing machines".
- 1983-1986 - full-time postgraduate study at MRTI.
- internships, professional development
- Advanced training from 28.03.2005 to 02.04.2005 at the RIH under the program "Computer systems for supporting managerial (expert) decision-making" in the amount of 36 hours, certificate No. 105369
- Advanced training from 13.02.2006 to 13.02.2006 at the RIH under the program "Personnel policy of institutions providing higher education" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate No. 173309
- Advanced training from 2.02.09 to 13.02.09 at the RIH under the program "Mastery of psychological and pedagogical interaction in the teaching process" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate No. 739901.
- Advanced training from 04/14/14 to 04/25/14 at the HSE under the program "Computer testing technologies" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate No. 1978148.
- Advanced training from 17.09.18 to 12.10.18 at the RIH under the program "Statistical analysis and data processing on a personal computer" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate No. 3141354.
- Advanced training from 2.11.20 to 10.11.20 in the IIT BSUIR under the program "Device principle of operation of a set of telemetry equipment (CTMA). Operation of the ground receiving point (NPP) during the tests of OO 9M300T" in the amount of 42 hours, certificate No. 3554098.
Professional development:
- The State Educational Institution from 22.01.2007 to 02.02.2007 according to the program "Pedagogical skills of a teacher: the essence, content, means of formation".
- Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of managers and specialists in information Technology and Radio Electronics of BSUIR from 11/26/14 to 12/12.14 according to the program "Creating multimedia presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint".
- GUO RISH from 14.01.19 to 08.02.19 according to the program "Automation of preparation of documents using information technologies".
From 1981 to 1983 engineer of the Computer Research Institute Minsk,
From 1983 to 1986 he was a full-time postgraduate student at the Moscow Institute of Technology, in 1988 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Development of specialized devices for simulating random processes with software-controlled correlation characteristics" for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Elements and devices of Computer Technology and control Systems".
From 1986 to 1990 assistant of the Department. VMiP.
Since 1990, associate professor of the Faculty. VMiP.
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics, 144 hours. (Sample (bsuir.by )
- Creation and processing of sound in the development of interactive applications, 80 hours. (Educational institution (bsuir.by))
- Computer technologies of analysis and management decision-making, 96 hours.
- Statistical methods of data processing, 108 hours.
- Bakanovich E.A., Volkovets A.I., Volorova N.A., Lozitsky V.P. Controlled generator of random event streams: Author's svid. USSR N997035 - BI 6, 1983.
- Volkovets A.I., Naumovich N.M. et al. Development of an experimental sample of an active phased array antenna for an X-band space-based radar with aperture synthesis: Proceedings of the Seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Minsk: IPI NAS of Belarus, 2017.
- Volkovets A.I., Gusinsky A.V. and others. Design features and assembly technology of the millimeter-wave radio altimeter: Electronic Technology, Series 1, Microwave Technology, Issue 4(535), 2017.
- Volkovets A.I., Gurinovich A.B. et al. Probability theory and mathematical statistics: educational and methodical manual - Mn.: BSUIR, 2017.
- Volkovets A.I., Gurinovich A.B., Lapitskaya N.V. Electronic resource on the academic discipline Probability theory and mathematical statistics - Certificate No. 478 dated 05.03.2019. BSUIR, 2019
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Silver badge "For services to the BSUIR" for many years of fruitful work, achievement of high performance in work and in connection with the 53rd anniversary of the BSUIR.