Academic department of electronics

Satsuk Siarhei Mihailovich

Satsuk Siarhei Mihailovich

Chair of the department,
Associate professor, Ph. D.

P. Browka 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Phone: +375 17 293-85-45

Teaching course:
- Introduction to the specialty;
- Electronic devices;
- Elements and devices of information and control systems of physical installations
- Supervises the design of the diploma.

BSUIR Repository

Expertise and Scientific Activity:
- research within the scientific direction of the department " Research of the principles of construction and development of scientific bases for the creation of control systems and control of parameters of nuclear power plants»

List of publications:

1. Silkovich Yu.N., Satsuk S.M. Simplification of dynamic models of mechanical systems // Modeling of agricultural processes and machines. III International Scientific and Technical Conference: Abstracts. report, Minsk: BGATU, 2002, Part I. - pp. 85-87.

2. Satsuk S.M., Silkovich Yu.N. Applied information processing systems: MathCAD. Methodological instructions for laboratory work for students of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Management / Study guide, Minsk: BGATU, 2003.

3. Silkovich Yu.N., Kiselev B.M., Satsuk S.M. Applied information processing systems: MATLAB. Methodological instructions for laboratory work for students of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Management / Study guide. Minsk: BSATU, 2003. 4. Satsuk S.M., Gaishun Yu.A. Using the capabilities of Web-technologies for information analysis // Modern information computer technologies (MCIT-2008) - Materials of the MNPK. - Grodno, April 21-24, 2008.

4. Satsuk S.M. Model of the process of formation of oxide films on aluminum in an electrolyte containing a complexonate of rare earth metals. Satsuk, M.M. Pinaeva // Abstracts of the IX Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, June 28-29, 2011 - P. 42.

5. S.V. Granko, S.V., Satsuk, S.M. The problem of the second semester in the analysis of the performance of first-year students // Materials of the VII International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Higher technical education: problems and ways of development", Minsk, November 20-21, 2014, p. 303-304.
6. Satsuk, S.M. Model of the process of introducing a complex anion of an electrolyte into dielectric films. // Abstracts of reports at the XIII Belarusian-Russian scientific and technical conference: Technical means of protecting information, Minsk, June 4-5, 2015, p. 77.

7. Satsuk, S.M., Granko, S.V. Prospects for the organization of distance learning. // Materials of the IX International Scientific and Methodological Conference: Distance Learning - Educational Environment of the XXI Century, Minsk, 3-4 December 2015, p. 167-168.

8. Granko, S.V., Satsuk, S.M. Features of sound communication when using distance learning technologies. // Materials of the IX International Scientific and Methodological Conference: Distance Learning - Educational Environment of the XXI Century, Minsk, 3-4 December 2015, p. 157.

9. Granko, S. V. Features of auditory communication when using distance learning technologies / S. V. Granko, S. M. Satsuk // Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the IX international scientific and methodological conference (Minsk, 3- December 4, 2015). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2015 .-- P. 157 - 158.

10. Satsuk SM Principles of adjusting the power readings of a nuclear power plant / SM Satsuk // Technical means of information protection: Abstracts of the XIV Belarusian-Russian scientific and technical conference. (Minsk May 25-26, 2016). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2016 .-- S. 80-81.

11.E. N. Zhivitskaya, S. M. Satsuk / Regional network of nuclear education STAR-NET // Higher technical education: problems and ways of development = Engineering education: challenges and developments: materials of the VIII international scientific and methodological conference (Minsk, November 17-18, 2016. ). - At 2 pm Part 1 / editorial board. : E. N. Zhivitskaya et al. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2016 .-- P. 159 - 162.

2. Final report on GB N 11-2014 on research work "Investigate the principles of construction and develop scientific foundations for the creation of measuring and information systems for the transmission of information and control of the parameters of physical installations." Satsuk S.M., Putilin V.N. and etc.

13. E. N. Zhivitskaya, S. M. Satsuk / Educational technologies and training for nuclear energy // Great transformers of natural science: Niels Bohr: materials of the XXV Intern. readings (Minsk, March 16-17, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- P. 36 - 37.