Academic department of electronics

Rusakovich Uladzimir Nikolayevich
Assistant Professor, Senior lecturerP. Browka 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Phone: +375 17 293-86-10
Teaching course:
- Electronic devices;
- Functional devices of information and control systems;
- Methods and devices for recording ionizing radiation
- Supervises the graduation project
BSUIR Repository
Expertise and Scientific Activity:
- diffraction of electromagnetic waves, measurement of electrophysical parameters of materials in the microwave range;
- mathematical modeling of microwave devices.
List of publications:
1. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
2. Drobot, S. V. Prospects of training of national personnel for nuclear power engineering of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: Tez. dokl. Repub. nauch. - method. conf., Minsk, November 4, 2008-Minsk: BSUIR, 2008. - p. 57.
3. Drobot, S. V. Mathematical modeling of scattering of the H10 wave by an "inductive" diaphragm with a dielectric filling / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich,V. K. Berezovsky / / Tez. dokl. MNTK, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the MRTI-BSUIR. Minsk, March 19, 2009-Minsk: BSUIR, 2009. - pp. 109-110.
4. Drobot, S. V. Organization of personnel training for the nuclear power industry of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / NPP safety and personnel training: Tez. dokl. 11 Mezhdanar. konf., Obninsk, September 29 - October 2, 2009, in 2 vols. t. 1. - Obninsk: NOU TSIPK, 2009. - p. 169-170.
5. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
6. V.K. Berezovsky, S.V. Drobot, M.S. Khandogin, V.N. Rusakovich. The Waveguide Technique of Measurement of the Complex Permittivity of Materials. Proc. 51 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 11 - 15 Sept. 2006, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 115-116, 2006.
7. Electronic devices and devices: Lab. practicum. 2. Analog and pulse devices / A. Ya. Belsky, V. K. Berezovsky, Yu. Yu. Bobkov, S. V. Drobot, et al. - Mn: BSUIR, 2007. - 99 p.
8. Electronic devices and devices: Laboratory practice. In 2 ch. Ch. 1. Active components of semiconductor electronics / Belsky A. Ya., Berezovsky V. K., Bobkov Yu. Yu., Drobot S. V., Melnikov V. A., Putilin V. N., Rusakovich V. N., Tkachenko F. A., Khandogin M. S.-Mn: BSUIR, 2005. - 62 p.
9. Berezovsky V. K., Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N., Khandogin M. S. Method of measuring the dielectric permittivity of liquids in the microwave range / / Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. - 2005, vol. 10, N 10. - p. 50-56.
10. Berezovsky V. K., Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N. Calculation of cylindrical functions of the whole order of a complex argument in problems of electrodynamics // Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. - 2005, vol. 10, N 1-2. - p. 38-45.
11. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
12. Drobot, S. V. Prospects of training of national personnel for nuclear power engineering of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: Tez. dokl. Repub. nauch. - method. conf., Minsk, November 4, 2008-Minsk: BSUIR, 2008. - p. 57.
13. Drobot, S. V. Mathematical modeling of scattering of the H10 wave by an "inductive" diaphragm with a dielectric filling / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich,V. K. Berezovsky / / Tez. dokl. MNTK, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the MRTI-BSUIR. Minsk, March 19, 2009-Minsk: BSUIR, 2009. - pp. 109-110.
14. Drobot, S. V. Organization of personnel training for the nuclear power industry of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / NPP safety and personnel training: Tez. dokl. 11 International Conference, Obninsk, September 29 - October 2, 2009, in 2 vols. t. 1. - Obninsk: NOU TSIPK, 2009. - pp. 169-170.
15. Lukyanchuk, N. Yu. Educational and laboratory complex on the discipline "Electronic devices" for the specialty "Industrial electronics" /N. Yu. Lukyanchuk, V. N. Rusakovich, A. A. Skachikhin, S. V. Drobot // Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: mat. V international scientific method. conf., Minsk, 24-25 November 2010-Minsk: BSUIR, 2010. - p. 216.
16. Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N., Khandogin M. S. Organization of the educational process in the specialization "Electronic control and control systems at nuclear power plants" / / Higher Technical education: problems and ways of development: Mat. V international scientific method. conf., Minsk, 24-25 November 2010-Minsk: BSUIR, 2010. - p. 218-219.
17. Durnev, V. N. Modern trends in the development of control systems of nuclear power plants / V. N. Durnev, A. N. Chernyaev, S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich / / Izvestiya NASB. Series of Physical and Technical Sciences. - N 3, 2014. - p. 103-111.
- diffraction of electromagnetic waves, measurement of electrophysical parameters of materials in the microwave range;
- mathematical modeling of microwave devices.
List of publications:
1. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
2. Drobot, S. V. Prospects of training of national personnel for nuclear power engineering of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: Tez. dokl. Repub. nauch. - method. conf., Minsk, November 4, 2008-Minsk: BSUIR, 2008. - p. 57.
3. Drobot, S. V. Mathematical modeling of scattering of the H10 wave by an "inductive" diaphragm with a dielectric filling / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich,V. K. Berezovsky / / Tez. dokl. MNTK, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the MRTI-BSUIR. Minsk, March 19, 2009-Minsk: BSUIR, 2009. - pp. 109-110.
4. Drobot, S. V. Organization of personnel training for the nuclear power industry of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / NPP safety and personnel training: Tez. dokl. 11 Mezhdanar. konf., Obninsk, September 29 - October 2, 2009, in 2 vols. t. 1. - Obninsk: NOU TSIPK, 2009. - p. 169-170.
5. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
6. V.K. Berezovsky, S.V. Drobot, M.S. Khandogin, V.N. Rusakovich. The Waveguide Technique of Measurement of the Complex Permittivity of Materials. Proc. 51 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 11 - 15 Sept. 2006, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 115-116, 2006.
7. Electronic devices and devices: Lab. practicum. 2. Analog and pulse devices / A. Ya. Belsky, V. K. Berezovsky, Yu. Yu. Bobkov, S. V. Drobot, et al. - Mn: BSUIR, 2007. - 99 p.
8. Electronic devices and devices: Laboratory practice. In 2 ch. Ch. 1. Active components of semiconductor electronics / Belsky A. Ya., Berezovsky V. K., Bobkov Yu. Yu., Drobot S. V., Melnikov V. A., Putilin V. N., Rusakovich V. N., Tkachenko F. A., Khandogin M. S.-Mn: BSUIR, 2005. - 62 p.
9. Berezovsky V. K., Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N., Khandogin M. S. Method of measuring the dielectric permittivity of liquids in the microwave range / / Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. - 2005, vol. 10, N 10. - p. 50-56.
10. Berezovsky V. K., Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N. Calculation of cylindrical functions of the whole order of a complex argument in problems of electrodynamics // Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. - 2005, vol. 10, N 1-2. - p. 38-45.
11. Drobot, S.V. Determination of Complex Permittivity of Nanocarbon Composites using S-parameter Measurements in Rectangular Waveguide / S.V. Drobot, V.K. Berezovsky, V.N. Rusakovich // Proc. 53 Internat. Scien. Colloquium. 8 - 12 Sept. 2008, TU Ilmenau. Germany. pp. 145-146, 2008.
12. Drobot, S. V. Prospects of training of national personnel for nuclear power engineering of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: Tez. dokl. Repub. nauch. - method. conf., Minsk, November 4, 2008-Minsk: BSUIR, 2008. - p. 57.
13. Drobot, S. V. Mathematical modeling of scattering of the H10 wave by an "inductive" diaphragm with a dielectric filling / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich,V. K. Berezovsky / / Tez. dokl. MNTK, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the MRTI-BSUIR. Minsk, March 19, 2009-Minsk: BSUIR, 2009. - pp. 109-110.
14. Drobot, S. V. Organization of personnel training for the nuclear power industry of the Republic of Belarus in BSUIR / S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich, Yu. L. Shilin / / NPP safety and personnel training: Tez. dokl. 11 International Conference, Obninsk, September 29 - October 2, 2009, in 2 vols. t. 1. - Obninsk: NOU TSIPK, 2009. - pp. 169-170.
15. Lukyanchuk, N. Yu. Educational and laboratory complex on the discipline "Electronic devices" for the specialty "Industrial electronics" /N. Yu. Lukyanchuk, V. N. Rusakovich, A. A. Skachikhin, S. V. Drobot // Higher technical education: problems and ways of development: mat. V international scientific method. conf., Minsk, 24-25 November 2010-Minsk: BSUIR, 2010. - p. 216.
16. Drobot S. V., Rusakovich V. N., Khandogin M. S. Organization of the educational process in the specialization "Electronic control and control systems at nuclear power plants" / / Higher Technical education: problems and ways of development: Mat. V international scientific method. conf., Minsk, 24-25 November 2010-Minsk: BSUIR, 2010. - p. 218-219.
17. Durnev, V. N. Modern trends in the development of control systems of nuclear power plants / V. N. Durnev, A. N. Chernyaev, S. V. Drobot, V. N. Rusakovich / / Izvestiya NASB. Series of Physical and Technical Sciences. - N 3, 2014. - p. 103-111.