Yarmolik Vyacheslav Nikolaevich
Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, ProfessorMinsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 215-4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-20
E-mail: yarmolik@bsuir.by
Links to profiles:
BSUIR Repository
Vyacheslav Yarmolik - Google Scholar Citations
Yarmolik Vyacheslav - Publications - ResearchGate
Vyacheslav N. Yarmolik - Microsoft Academic Search
Professional interests/researches Research interests are related to: testing and diagnostics of computer systems; design of self-testing embedded systems and systems on a chip; synthesis of controllable computing systems with low power consumption; copyright protection systems for software and hardware of computing systems; physical cryptography, steganography and modern obfuscation.
Education In 1973 graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (MREI), currently - the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR). Since 1973 he has been working at MREI (BSUIR).
Working career.
Stages of work are associated with the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks.
1980 - 1990 was an associate professor.
1990 - 1994 - Professor of the Department of Electronic Computing Machines.
1994 - 2001 - Head of the Department of Information Technology Software, since 2001 - Professor of the same department.
Since 1986, he has been performing joint work on grants from the largest research and training centers in countries such as Great Britain, Germany, USA, Netherlands, France, Poland, participates in international conferences, is invited to lecture and seminars in educational and scientific research centers in Europe and America.
He was a member of organizing committees and international symposia on test diagnostics of computer systems, reviewer of various foreign scientific and technical journals, including IEE, IEEE journals.
For more than 15 years, he has been the chairman of the specialized council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, and also a member of the editorial boards of native and foreign periodicals and journals.
Taught academic subjects
- control and diagnostics of computer equipment
- cryptography and protection of commercial information
- information theory
Main publications Author of 16 monographs and one textbook, he received 72 copyright certificates for inventions, published more than 400 scientific papers and a large number of abstracts at conferences of various levels, including international conferences.
3 doctoral dissertations and more than 20 candidate dissertations were defended under his scientific supervision.
Merits, awards, incentives
In 1980 he was awarded the degree of Ph.D. in Technology.
In 1982 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
In 1990, he was awarded the academic degree - Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1992 - the academic title of professor.
Yarmolik Vyacheslav Nikolaevich was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor of BSUIR" in 2019.