Skobtsov Vadim Yurievich
Grand PhD courses, PhD in Engineering sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 215-4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-20
E-mail: vasko_vasko@mail.ru
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 215-4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-20
E-mail: vasko_vasko@mail.ru
Links to profiles:
Google Scholar
Science Index
Publications in BSUIR repository
Professional interests/researches
Intelligent data analysis, machine learning, soft computing, logical-probabilistic modeling and their applications in the field of diagnostics, reliability, security and risk assessment of hardware and software systems, image analysis, test diagnostics and simulation of digital systems
2019 - now Grand PhD courses, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
2015 - PhD Degree, United Institute of Informatics Problems, re-attestation in Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2005 - Associate Professor Diploma, Donetsk National University
1998 - PhD Degree in "Computers, Systems and Networks",
PhD thesis "The development of the structural test generation methods for discrete devices with employment of the multivalued alphabets"
Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine
1994 - 1997 PhD Courses, specialization - "Computers, Systems and Networks"
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine
1989 - 1994 M.Sc. Degree in Applied Mathematics with Honors (Red Diploma), Donetsk
National University, Mathematical Faculty, Donetsk, Ukraine
Working career.
Research duties:
December 2014 - now: United Institute of Informatics Problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, Leading researcher
1999 - 2014 Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine:
2011 - 2014 Head of Discrete Mathematics and Applied Algebra Laboratory
1997 - 2011 Assistant Researcher -> Senior Researcher of Control System Theory Department
Administrative duties:
January 2019 - now Member of the Problematic Scientific Council "Information technologies and Systems" of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2011 - 2014 Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine
2002 - 2011 Scientific Secretary of the Institute and Scientific Council of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine
Teaching duties:
2015 - 2021 Associate Professor (part time), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), Minsk, Belarus
2006 - 2014 Associate Professor (part time), Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), Donetsk, Ukraine
2000 - 2012 Associate Professor (part time), Donetsk National University (DonNU), Donetsk, Ukraine
1998 - 2000 Senior Lecturer (part time), Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Other duties:
2021 - now Member of Editorial boards of the scientific journal "Applied Aspects of Information Technology" (AAIT) http://aait.ccs.od.ua/
the scientific journal "Herald of Advanced Information Technology" (HAIT) http://hait.ccs.od.ua/
2002 - 2014 Responsible secretary of scientific journal "Transactions of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics"
Taught academic subjects
- Neural network modeling (M.Sc., BSUIR);
- Machine learning: Neural networks (M.Sc., BSUIR);
- Genetic and evolutionary algorithms (M.Sc., BSUIR);
- Computing algorithms in software development (bases of neural networks and genetic algorithms, B.Sc., BSUIR);
- System software (B.Sc., in English, BSUIR);
- Evolutionary design of microelectronic systems (M.Sc., in English, Lecture set, prepared for Warsaw University of Technology);
- Genetic algorithms (M.Sc., DonNU);
- VHDL - language of hardware system design (B.Sc., DonNTU);
- Intelligent systems bases (Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks in Matlab, B.Sc., DonNU).
Main publications
Total number of publications is more then 130.
1. Y.A.Skobtsov, V.Y.Skobtsov "Logical simulation and testing of digital devices" (in Russian). - Donetsk: IAMM NASU, DonNTU, 2005. - Monograph (in Russian)
2. Y.A.Skobtsov, D.V.Speransky, V.Y.Skobtsov „Simulation, testing and diagnostics of digital devices. Textbook. (in Russian)". - Moscow: INTUIT, 2012 (1st edition), 2016 (2nd edition). (in Russian)
3. V.Yu. Skobtsov "Binary classification of small satellites telemetry data based on deep learning approach" // Applied Aspects of Information Technology. Vol. 4. No. 4 (2021). - pp.299-310.
4. Skobtsov V.Yu., Arhipau V.I. "Neural network analysis of telemetry data of on-board equipment of spacecraft" // Space Engineering and Technology, RSC Energia, 2021, No3(34), pp.111-124. (in Russian)
5. Skobtsov V.Yu., Novoselova N.A. "Investigation of stream clustering algorithms when solving the problem of small spacecraft telemetry data analysis" // 2020. Vol. 63, No. 11, pp.1003-1011. (in Russian)
6. V. Skobtsov, N. Lapitskaja, D. Kim, N. Novoselova, R. Saksonov and E. Nikolaenya "Analysis of reliability, survivability and telemetry data of on-board equipment of small satellites" // IEEE 15th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems (CADSM), Polyana, Ukraine, 2019, P.1/143-1/147.
7. V.Yu. Skobtsov, A.A. Sychev, Yu.A. Skobtsov "Logical analysis of telemetry data of onboard equipment of small spacecraft" // Proc. of the XXXII International Scientific Conference "Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Technology MMTT-32", June 3-7, 2019, St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia, P.39-42. (in Russian)
8. Vadim Skobtsov, Natalia Lapitskaja, Roman Saksonov, Semyon Potryasaev "Automated Logical-Probabilistic Methodology and Software Tool as Component of the Complex of Methodologies and Software Tools for Evaluation of Reliability and Survivability of Onboard Equipment of Small Satellites" // In: Silhavy R. (eds) Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. CSOC2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol.763, 2019, Springer. - pp.452-463.
9. Skobtsov V.Y., Kruglikov S.V., Kim D.S., Novoselova N.A., Arkhipau V.I., Kulbak L.I., Nikolaenya E.D., Lapitskaja N.V., Vakulchyk Y.N., Saksonov R.V. "Analysis of reliability, survivability and telemetry indicators of small spacecraft’s onboard equipment" // Cybersecurity issues. - 2018 - N.4(28) pp.54-69. (in Russian)
10. V.Skobtsov, N.Novoselova,V.Arhipov, and S.Potryasaev „Intelligent Telemetry Data Analysis of Small Satellites" // In: Silhavy R., Senkerik R., Kominkova Oplatkova Z., Prokopova Z., Silhavy P. (eds) Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Springer International Publishing Switzerland. - Vol.574, 2017. - P.351-361.
11. Y.Skobtsov, O.Chengar, V.Skobtsov, A.Pavlov "Synthesis production schedules based on ant colony optimization method" // In: Silhavy R., Senkerik R., Kominkova Oplatkova Z., Prokopova Z., Silhavy P. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Trends in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Springer International Publishing Switzerland. - Vol.573, 2017. - P.456-465.
12. V.A. Zelentsov, S.A. Potryasaev, B.V. Sokolov, V.Yu. Skobtsov, S.A. Korenyako, D.S. Kim, E.N. Vakulchyk, L.I. Kulbak, E.D. Nikolaenya, N.V. Lapitskaya, R.V. Saksonov, Service-oriented distributed software complex for evaluation and multi-criteria analysis of reliability and survivability of on-board equipment of small satellites: Russian and Belarusian segments // VESTNIK OF SAMARA UNIVERSITY. AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERIN, 2017. Vol. 16, № 4. P. 118-129. (in Russian)
13. Zelentsov V.A., Potryasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Skobtsov V.Yu., Korenyako S.A., Kim D.S., Vakulchik E.N., Kulbak L.I., Nikolaenya E.D., Lapitskaya N.V., Saksonov R.V. Service-oriented distributed software complex for evaluating and multi-criteria analysis of reliability and survivability indicators of onboard equipment of small satellites: Russian and Belarusian segments // Proceedings of the V All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with international participation "Actual problems of rocket and space technology" (V Kozlov readings), Rocket Space Centre "Progress", Samara. - 2017. - P.45-56. (in Russian)
14. V.Arhipov, V.Skobtsov, N.Novoselova, V.Aliushkevich and A.Pavlov "Development of Event-Driven Models for Operation Data of Some Systems of Small Satellites" // In: Silhavy R., Senkerik R., Oplatkova Z., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z. (eds) Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. - Vol. 466, 2016. - P.403-413.
15. Y.Skobtsov, A.Sekirin, S.Zemlyanskaya, O.Chengar, V.Skobtsov and S.Potryasaev "Application of Object-Oriented Simulation in Evolutionary Algorithms" // In: Silhavy R., Senkerik R., Oplatkova Z., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z. (eds) Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - vol.466. - Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016.-P.453-462.
Merits, awards, incentives
2020 - First prize award in the competition of research projects of United Institute of Informatics Problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2017 - The best foreign paper diploma at V All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with international participation "Actual problems of rocket and space technology" (V Kozlov readings), Rocket Space Centre "Progress", Samara. - 2017
2017 - Second prize award in the competition of research projects of United Institute of Informatics Problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2002 - 2004 President of Ukraine Scholarship
2000 - 2002 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Scholarship
Research grants
2019 - 2020 Research grant of the program of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
2015 - 2017 Research grant of the program of the Union State "Monitoring-SG" "Development of space- and ground-based facilities for providing consumers of Russia and Belarus with Earth remote sensing information"
2011 - 2014 Mathematics for Life Sciences funded by Marie Curie Actions - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) FP7-People-2011-IRSES Project number 295164
2012 - 2014 "MastMST" TEMPUS project (530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-PL-TEMPUS-JPCR)
2013 - 2014 Post doctorate internship in the framework of exchange of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2Lot8 EWENT, "East-West European Network on higher Technical education" in Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland