Nesterenkov Sergey Nikolaevich
PhD in Engineering sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 212-4
Phone: +375 17 293-84-93
E-mail: s.nesterenkov@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Information Technology;
Marketing in modern business models;
Project management;
Personnel Management.
2008-2018 - Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of BSUIR
2002-2007 BSUIR: Specialty "Software of information technologies", Qualification: software engineer;
2007-2008 BSUIR (Master's degree): Specialty "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing", Qualification Master of Technical Sciences;
2009-2013 BSUIR (postgraduate study): Specialty "System analysis, management and information processing", Qualification "Researcher" in the field of technical sciences;
2012-2013 BSUIR (Master's degree): "Economics and National Economy Management", Qualification Master of Economic Sciences.
2017 defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 - "System analysis, management and information processing"
2019-2020 LinguaLand Language School. Intermediate (B1)
Working career.
2005-2007 Computer operator 6 rank. Department of Information Technologies of the Center for Informatization and Innovative Developments of BSUIR;
2007-2008 Software Engineer. Department of Information Technologies of the Center for Informatization and Innovative Developments of BSUIR;
2008 Software Engineer 2k. Department of Information Technologies of the Center for Informatization and Innovative Developments of BSUIR;
2008-2018 Head of Department. Department of Information Technologies of the Center for Informatization and Innovative Developments of BSUIR.
2018-present in Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology Software
Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi)
Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
Merits, awards, incentives
2002 Gold Medal after graduating from high school;
2010 SAP ERP 6.0 SAP, License 0008152546;
2011-2012 Center for language training in foreign languages BSUIR
2012-2013 Center for language training in foreign languages BSUIR