Liauchuk Viktar Dmitrievich
PhD in Engineering sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of IT Software Department
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 212-4
Phone: +375 17 293-84-93
E-mail: mailto:liauchuk@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
Developing JEE applications, Discrete Event Simulation, Teaching Methodology
Taught academic subjects
Object Oriented Programming, Developing JEE applications, Discrete Event Simulation
Main publications
1. Liauchuk, V. Software-technological complex simulation of complex discrete systems/ V. Liauchuk, I. Maksimey.- Gomel: GSU named F.Skaryna, 2006. - 263 pp.
2. Liauchuk, V. The basic layout of the formalization of a modeling system MICIC4/ V. Liauchuk// Problems of programming.- 2005 .- №1 .- P. 85-96.
3. Liauchuk, V. Program Interface simulation of complex discrete systems/ V. Liauchuk/ Mathematical mashines and systems, №1, 2007.- P. 88-92.
4. Liauchuk, V. A conceptual model of service quality assurance mechanisms in packet switched networks // A. Khobnia, V. Liauchuk, O. Demidenko / Informatics. - 2016.- № 4.- P. 78-87.
5. Liauchuk, V. The architecture of software tools to ensure the reliability of the LAN node // A. Kucharau, A. Varuyeu, O. Demidenko, V. Liauchuk / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2017.- № 4. P. 61-64.
6. Liauchuk, V. Estimation of quality of simple hardware random numbers generator // P. Chechat, V. Liauchuk, A. Varuyeu, A. Liauchuk / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2018.- № 2. P. 103-105.
7. Liauchuk, V. Approaches to change of routing mechanisms in network structures // A. Varuyeu, V. Liauchuk, S. Kolaib / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2020.- № 4. P. 121-127.
Developing JEE applications, Discrete Event Simulation, Teaching Methodology
Taught academic subjects
Object Oriented Programming, Developing JEE applications, Discrete Event Simulation
Main publications
1. Liauchuk, V. Software-technological complex simulation of complex discrete systems/ V. Liauchuk, I. Maksimey.- Gomel: GSU named F.Skaryna, 2006. - 263 pp.
2. Liauchuk, V. The basic layout of the formalization of a modeling system MICIC4/ V. Liauchuk// Problems of programming.- 2005 .- №1 .- P. 85-96.
3. Liauchuk, V. Program Interface simulation of complex discrete systems/ V. Liauchuk/ Mathematical mashines and systems, №1, 2007.- P. 88-92.
4. Liauchuk, V. A conceptual model of service quality assurance mechanisms in packet switched networks // A. Khobnia, V. Liauchuk, O. Demidenko / Informatics. - 2016.- № 4.- P. 78-87.
5. Liauchuk, V. The architecture of software tools to ensure the reliability of the LAN node // A. Kucharau, A. Varuyeu, O. Demidenko, V. Liauchuk / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2017.- № 4. P. 61-64.
6. Liauchuk, V. Estimation of quality of simple hardware random numbers generator // P. Chechat, V. Liauchuk, A. Varuyeu, A. Liauchuk / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2018.- № 2. P. 103-105.
7. Liauchuk, V. Approaches to change of routing mechanisms in network structures // A. Varuyeu, V. Liauchuk, S. Kolaib / Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics. - 2020.- № 4. P. 121-127.