Lapitskaya Natalia Vladimirovna
Head of the Department, PhD in Engineering sciences, Associate ProfessorExpert of the CERES project
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 215a-4
Phone: +375 17 293-23-88
E-mail: lapan@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Statistical analysis of irregular data, multicriteria optimization methods, logical-probabilistic models, risk management based on them, modern information technologies (geographic information systems, distance learning, electronic textbooks, etc.)
1989-1994 Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, specialized in the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (Head of the Department, Prof. G.A. Medvedev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), specializing in Applied Mathematics , qualifications - mathematician, teacher of mathematics and computer science.
She defended her diploma with honors on the topic "Image processing that satisfy autoregressive models of random fields"
1993-1994 Belarusian State University, special faculty of retraining of personnel in applied mathematics, specialty "Economic Cybernetics", qualification - mathematician-economist
Working career.
1993 - 1994 Research Laboratory Research Institute of Computer - database programmer
1994 - 1996 Brest branch of Public corporation "Poisk" - economist
1996 - 2006 Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin: Assistant, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, 1997-2001. - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, 2001 - 2006 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling
1998 - 2006 Branch of the "Faculty of advanced training in applied mathematics and computers" of the Belarusian State University, chief accountant (creation of a branch)
2007 - until 02.07.2009 Branch of Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Center for Marketing and Price Study" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director (creation of a branch)
02.07.2009 - 01.11.2011 EE "Polesie State University", Associate Professor of the Department of Finance
11.01.2011 Belarusian State University, doctoral student (research topic "Information and analytical support of the process of managing risk situations"), associate professor of the Department of Economic Informatics and Mathematical Economics
from 03.12.2012 to the present Head of the Department of Information Technologies Software, the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Taught academic subjects
- Discrete Mathematics,
- Programming languages,
- Coding theory,
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics,
- Planning an experiment,
- Data analysis.
Main publications
1. Skobtsov V., Lapitskaja N. Software tool for evaluation of reliability and survivability of complex technical system bases on logical-probabilistic methodology. - 2021.
2. Skobtsov V., Lapitskaja N., Saksonov R., Potryasaev S. (2019) Automated Logical-Probabilistic Methodology and Software Tool as Component of the Complex of Methodologies and Software Tools for Evaluation of Reliability and Survivability of Onboard Equipment of Small Satellites. In: Silhavy R. (eds) Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. CSOC2018 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 763. Springer, Cham.
Merits, awards, incentives
2006 Awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.17 - Theoretical foundations of informatics for the dissertation work on the topic "Statistical analysis of the amount of damage from emergencies"
2008 Awarded the title of associate professor in the specialty "Informatics and computer technology"