Associate Professor of the Department of Physics,
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Minsk, Gikalo Str., 9/4, office 505-4.
Phone: (+375 17) 293-89-13
Area of professional interests/research:
Optics, holography, holographic interferometry.
Graduated from the Physics Department of Belarusian State University, assigned to the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences.
In 1980, sent to the target postgraduate school of the All-Union Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements (Moscow), where in 1984 defended her PhD thesis on holographic multi-course systems.
Graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training at the Republican Institute of Higher Education under the program "Fundamentals of computer and Internet technologies in education" in the amount of 72 hours on 29.05.2017-09.06.2017.
Work experience:
Started teaching at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics in February 1988 as an assistant.
Since 1993 - Associate Professor of the Department of Physics.
The subject of research is currently determined by the State Research Center No. 16-2025 "Development of methodological principles of continuous fundamental training in physics in the college-university system".
Academic disciplines taught:
The academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 476 hours.
The list of scientific papers contains 102 publications.
Main textbooks:
1. Zarembovskaya T. A., Kvasov N. T., Savilova Yu. I. "Optics" - Minsk, BSUIR, 2009, 136 p.
2. Zhavnerchik V. E., Maysenya L. I., Savilova Yu. I. "Handbook of Mathematics and Physics" - Minsk, "Higher School", 2014, 399 p.
3. Kvasov N. T., Savilova Yu. I., Sanikovich M. F. "Physics of the atom" - a textbook under the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus-Minsk, "IVC of the Ministry of Finance", 2014, 207 p.
Publications for 2019-2020:
1. Smirnova G. F., Yu. I. Savilova "Modular distance learning" - the materials of the XI International n/m conference "distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century", Minsk, BSUIR, 12 - 13 December 2019, p. 293.
2. Rodin, S. V., Yu. I. Savilova "Methodological aspects of blended learning physics at the technical University" - proceedings of Rep. n/m Conf. "Innovative methods of teaching physics in high school", Brest, Univ Brest state technical University, October 31 - November 1, 2019, pp. 39-40.
3. Savilova Yu. I., Smirnova G. F. "On the analogs method in the physics course of a technical university" - materials of the X International Scientific and Technical Conference. "Higher technical education: problems and ways of development", Minsk, BSUIR, November 26, 2020, pp. 229-232.
Merits, awards, incentives:
BSUIR diplomas, silver lapel badge "For services to BSUIR".