Rusina Natalia Vladimirovna
Assistant lecturer
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 4th. section building, 502-4.
Phone: (+375 17) 293-80-72
E-mail: rusina@bsuir.by
Google Scholar
Area of professional interest / research
Methods of teaching physics.
Mogilev state A. Kuleshov University in 2002 . with a degree in "Mathematics, physics".
2014 " A foreign language as a means of improving the professional competence of a modern specialist "
2019 " Lecture in a modern institution of higher education: models of designing and implementing educational material in the educational process "
Labor activity.
She started teaching at BSUIR in 2003 as an assistant at the Department of Physics .
The subject of research is currently determined by the State Research Center No. 16-2025 « Development of methodological principles of continuous fundamental training in physics in the college-university system»
Readable academic disciplines
The academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 828 hours.