Associate Professor of the Department of Physics,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
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Professional Interests / Research Area
Theoretical physics, theory of gravity, energy-momentum problem and theory of gravitational waves.
Labor activity
He began teaching at BSUIR in 1986 as an assistant.
Since 1994 - Associate Professor of the Department of Physics.
He defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Conformal invariance and the Coulomb problem in the theory of tensor fields" in 1984.
Research topics are currently defined by topic No. 21-3025 "Modeling of dark energy and dark matter in the scalar-tensor theory of gravity with a self-interacting scalar field", 2021-2025.
Readable academic disciplines
Academic discipline "Physics".
The list of scientific papers contains 90 publications.
List of scientific publications in the 2019/2020 academic year.
1. Yu.P. Vylyi, I.G. Dudko, A.A. Leonovich. Self-acting massive scalar field as a model of dark energy. On Sat. Proceedings of the LIV All-Russian Conference on Problems of Dynamics, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics and Optoelectronics. M. Publishing house of RUDN University, 2019 p. 31-34 (in russian).
2. Yu.P. Vybly, A.A. Leonovich. Cosmology and astrophysics are the cutting edge of fundamental science. Basic science and educational practice. Sat. Proceedings of the X Republican scientific and methodological seminar "Actual problems of modern natural science." Minsk, RIVSH, 2019, p. 4-8 (in russian).
3. A.A. Leonovich. Spherically symmetric wave solution of the Einstein equations in the weak-field approximation. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vol. 64, No. 4, (2020), pp. 399-402 (in russian).
4. Yu.P. Vybly, A.A. Leonovich. Physics of fundamental interactions and scientific and technological progress. Basic science and educational practice. Sat. Proceedings of the XI Republican scientific and methodological seminar "Actual problems of modern natural science." Minsk, RIVSH, 2020, p. 16-20 (in russian).
Merits, awards, incentives
BSUIR diplomas