Iya Tashlykova-Bushkevich
Associate Professor of Physics Department
Ph.D., Associate Professor
- vice-chairperson of the Belarusian Physical Society (2018-present), chair of a primary organization at the BSUIR (2007-present), a member of BPS Council and head of BPS working group on women in physics in Belarus
- head of the social and educational project "Heuristics in Physics" under BPS at the BSUIR
Minsk, Gikalo str., 9, building 4, office 502.
Phone: +375 17 293-89-13
E-mail: iya.itb@bsuir.by
Personal site
Courses taught:
Research field:
Solid State Physics; Hydrogen Material Science; Physics of Interaction of Charged Particles with Crystals; Theory and Methods of Higher Vocational Education
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Supervise media resource YouTube channel "Heuristics in Physics"
Certificates for 2017-2023
Area of professional interests / research:
Modification of structure and properties of aluminium alloys using rapid and hyperrapid solidification processing; theory and methods of higher vocational education; heuristics education in higher education
She graduated from the BSU with honors in 1997, took a postgraduate course at the BSU and defended her Ph.D. thesis "Structure and properties of aluminium and lightly doped aluminum alloys prepared by means of ultrarapid quenching from the melt" in 2000. She was awarded the academic status of Associate Professor in 2004. In 2007, she graduated from the Minsk State Linguistic University (English language) with Diploma of the state standard without assignment of qualification (excellent Diploma). In 2023, a Doctoral study at the BSU is successfully completed.
Received 7 grants of fellowships abroad: 2 grants from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Italy), 2 grants from the EU program Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contacts (MOST, EU), grant from the University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, Korea), grant from the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF, Japan) and a grant from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, Japan).
8 research fellowships abroad:
1. Visiting scientist at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (FSU) Jena (Germany), 22.11.2019-05.12.2019.
2. Fellow of the EU program Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contacts (MOST)), the Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (Trieste, Italy), 05-18.04.2019.
3. Fellow of the EU program Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contacts (MOST)), Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research (OSIM) (Jena, Germany), 12-26.11.2017.
4. Personalized grant at the Роhаng Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) of the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (Pohang, Korea), 01-06.11.2016.
5. Personalized grant provided by the ICTP, the Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (Trieste, Italy), 05-14.10.2014.
6. Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Osaka University (Osaka, Japan), 05.2013-10.2013.
7. Personalized grant provided by the ICTP, the Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (Trieste, Italy), 05-14.10.2012.
8. Fellow of the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF), the Ibaraki University (Hitachi, Japan), 05.2008-10.2008.
Labor activity
2000-2001: Junior scientific collaborator, the BSU
Dr. Tashlykova-Bushkevich is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics of the BSUIR since 2001. Ph.D. in Physics from the Belarusian State University (BSU, 2000). Thesis title: "Structure and properties of aluminium and lightly doped aluminum alloys prepared by means of ultrarapid quenching from the melt". The area of research is the modification of structure and properties of aluminum (Al) alloys using rapid solidification processing. Current research is aimed to control hydrogen embrittlement in advanced Al alloys developed for automotive and aerospace industry.
The research on heuristic education is currently determined by the BSUIR project No. 16-2025 titled «Development of methodological principles of continuous fundamental training in physics in college-university system».
Courses taught: "Physics" (476 h).
List of scientific works consists from 217 cases, including 112 articles in refereed journals and conf. proceedings with research reports, and 12 refereed books and manuals on physics for Belarusian Universities.
Selected Publications in English:
1. Shepelevich V., Tashlykova-Bushkevich I. Composition and structural evolution of Al-Me alloys (Me= Fe, Cu, Sb) prepared by means of ultrarapid quenching from the melt studied by RBS technique. Mater. Sci. Forum 248-249, pp. 385-388 (1997)
2. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Shepelevich V.G. Dope depth distribution in rapidly solidified Al-Ge and Al-Me (Me= Fe, Cu, Sb) alloys. J. Alloys and Compounds 299, pp. 205-207 (2000)
3. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I. RBS analysis of rapidly solidified Al-Si-Ti alloy with Fe and Ni dopes. Vacuum 78, pp. 529-532 (2005)
4. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I. Effects of thermal treatment on microstructure of rapidly solidified Al-2.1 at % Mn alloy studied by RBS technique. J. Alloys Compd, Vol. 478, pp. 229-231 (2009).
5. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I., Shikagawa T., Shepelevich V., Itoh G. Effect of rapid solidification processing on hydrogen behaviour in aluminium. Mater. Sci. Forum, Vol. 654-656, pp. 998-1001 (2010)
6. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Itoh G., Shepelevich V.G., Shikagawa T. Kinetics of hydrogen desorption from rapidly solidified Al-Cr alloys. Mater. Trans., Vol. 52, pp. 895-899 (2011)
7. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Itoh G. Hydrogen depth-profiling and desorption kinetics in rapidly solidified Al-Fe alloys. 13d Int. Conf. on Aluminum alloys: proceedings / edited by H. Weiland, A.D.Rollett and W.A. Cassada. Pittsburgh: TMS, USA, 2012, pp. 49-54 (2012)
8. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I., Itoh G. Effect of rapid solidification on microstructural features of Al-Cr alloys. Mater. Sci. Forum 706-709 (2012) 301-304
9. Fedotova J., Tashlykova-Bushkevich I. Belarusian female physicists: statistics and perspectives. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1517, pp. 76 -77 (2013).
10. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Horikawa K., Itoh G. The role of Cr in H desorption kinetics in rapidly solidified Al. Mater. Sci. Forum, Vol. 783-786, pp. 264-269 (2014)
11. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I. Women in science: current advances and challenges in Belarus. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1697, pp. 060006-1-060006-2 (2015)
12. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I, Amati M., Alemán B., Sezen H., Gregoratti L., Kiskinova M. Hydrogen behavior in Al‒Cr alloys: synchrotron-based photoelectron microscopy of the rapidly solidified structure. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 41, pp. 9100-9107 (2016)
13. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I., Yakavenko J., Bushkevich I., Shepelevich V., Komsta H., Zukowski P. Microstructure, elemental and phase composition and their influence on hydrophilic properties of rapidly solidified Al-In alloys. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. Vol. 4, pp. 122-125 (2018)
14. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Yakavenko J., Bushkevich I. Influence of ion beam-assisted deposition on the wetting properties of Al-1.0 at.% Cr alloy films. Intern. J. Nanoscience, Vol. 18, No. 3-4, pp. 1940062-1 - 1940062-3 (2019)
15. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I. Natural science in Belarus: Part 2 - Gender balance and culture // AIP Conf. Proc. 2109, 050008-1-050008-5 (2019)
16. Shepelevich V. G., Bushkevich I. А., Wendler E., Tashlykova-Bushkevich I. I. Changes in the structure and microhardness of rapidly solidified foils of aluminum alloy 1421 during their annealing // J. Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques c/c Poverhnost. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija, Vol. 13, pp. 555-561 (2019)
17. Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I., Shepelevich V.G., Amati M., Gregoratti L., Kiskinova M. Influence of chromium on the chemical composition and surface properties of rapidly solidified Al-Cr alloys. J. Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques c/c Poverhnost. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija, Vol. 14, pp. 66-72 (2020)
18. Stoliar I.A., Shepelevich V. G., Wendler E., Tashlykova-Bushkevich I.I. Effect of lithium on the structural-phase state of rapidly solidified Al-Mg-Li alloy during heat treatment. J. Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques c/c Poverhnost. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija, Vol. 15, pp. 752-758 (2021)
Merit, awards, honors
Award, special Foundation of the President of Belarus on social support of the gifted pupils and students in 1998. Grants for postgraduate students, Government of Belarus in 1999, 2000. Award for talented young scientists, President of Belarus in 2002. Award (medal and certificate), Matsumae International Foundation (MIF), the Ibaraki University (Hitachi, Japan). BSUIR diploma by review-competition of achievements of young tutors for academic year results, 2007, 2008. BSUIR certificate of Honour for excellence in University and achievement of excellence on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the BSUIR, 2014.