Ivanov Mikhail Anisimovich
Associate Professor of the Department of Physics,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 4th section building, aud. 502-4.
Phone: (+375 17) 293-89-13
E-mail: ivanovma@bsuir.by
Profile links:
The BSUIR repository contains a set of my papers. A collection of my publications (total 31 entries) is available via the arXiv author identifier service. Some of my papers may be found on the vixra.org archive. Lists of my papers may be found on ORCID and Google Scholar.
Personal page
Professional Interest / Research Area:
1. Model of the composite fundamental fermions.
2. Manifestations of the background of super-strong interacting gravitons: a possibility of another interpretation of cosmological redshifts; a possible connection with the supernovae 1a dimming; a deceleration of massive bodies due to forehead and backhead collisions with gravitons; a non-universal character of the Hubble diagram for soft and hard radiations; the correction for no time dilation; galaxy/quasar number counts; constancy of the Ratio H(z)/(1 + z) as a sign of low-energy quantum gravity.
3. Gravity as the screening effect: screening the graviton background, pairing gravitons, the gravitonic pressure force, restrictions on a geometrical language in gravity, the connection between Hubble's and Newton's constants in this non-geometrical approach, asymptotic freedom in low-energy quantum gravity and a non-universal transition to it.
4. Discrete symmetries underlying some continuous ones in gravity and particle physics.
Faculty of Physics, BSU, 1972
PhD, BSU, 1982.
Labor activity
Research Institute of Applied Physical Problems, BSU, Researcher 1972 - 1994
Department of Physics BSUIR, Assistant, Associate Professor 1994 - present.
Readable academic disciplines
Academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 420 hours, including 68 or 84 hours of lectures.
The list of scientific works contains 114 publications, of which 52 publications are presented in the BSUIR Repository: BSUIR repository.