Khramovich Elena Minaevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Physics
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 4th section building, aud. 502-4.
Phone: (+375 17) 293-89-13
E-mail: e.khramovich@bsuir.by
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Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 4th section building, aud. 502-4.
Phone: (+375 17) 293-89-13
E-mail: e.khramovich@bsuir.by
Repository of BSUIR
Google Schoolar
Area of professional interests/research: Crystal optics, methods of teaching physics
Education: Higher (BSU)
- graduate school (BSU);
advanced training (internships, professional training):
- internships: BSU, RIPO, RIVSH, Minsk "Information computer technologies in education."
Working career:
- BSU student;
- graduate student at BSU assistant
- senior lecturer
- associate professor of the department of theoretical physics, Mozyr State Pedagogical Institute
- associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences
- Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College Associate Professor, Department of Physics
- BSUIR to date defense of the dissertation on the topic "Diffraction of light by photoinduced gratings in cubic gyrotropic photorefractive crystals" at competition for the scientific degree of -- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (defended on June 29, 1990);
- obtaining the title of associate professor (1994) Total work experience is 48 years, of which 8 years at the BSUIR branch of the IRC and BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects: Academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 810 hours.
Main publications: The list of scientific papers contains more than 80 publications
Education: Higher (BSU)
- graduate school (BSU);
advanced training (internships, professional training):
- internships: BSU, RIPO, RIVSH, Minsk "Information computer technologies in education."
Working career:
- BSU student;
- graduate student at BSU assistant
- senior lecturer
- associate professor of the department of theoretical physics, Mozyr State Pedagogical Institute
- associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences
- Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College Associate Professor, Department of Physics
- BSUIR to date defense of the dissertation on the topic "Diffraction of light by photoinduced gratings in cubic gyrotropic photorefractive crystals" at competition for the scientific degree of -- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (defended on June 29, 1990);
- obtaining the title of associate professor (1994) Total work experience is 48 years, of which 8 years at the BSUIR branch of the IRC and BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects: Academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 810 hours.
Main publications: The list of scientific papers contains more than 80 publications