Associate Professor of the Department of Physics,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, Gikalo str., 9, building 4, office 511a
Phone: +375 17 293-89-64, +375 17 293-89-13
E-mail: dorochevich@bsuir.by
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Area of professional interests / research:
Condensed state physics of nanoscale structures, radiation physics of solids, physics of critical states (phase transitions).
Minsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky, Faculty of Physics, specialty "Physics and Mathematics", diploma with honors, 1989.
Postgraduate studies at the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, specialty "Solid State Physics", 1994.
Postgraduate study at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, specialty "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (in electronics), scientific qualification" Researcher "in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, 2013..
Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2014
Academic title of Associate Professor, 2016.
GUO RIVSH, 18-29.04.2011, advanced training program "Development and audit of a quality management system in educational institutions in accordance with ISO 9001" (Certificate No. 1373208).
GUO RIVSH, 09.03-03.04.2015 advanced training on the program "Information computer technologies in education. Professional level "(Certificate No. 2312366).
GUO RIVSH, 13-24.05.2019 advanced training under the program "Computer design technologies" (Certificate No. 3312801).
Labor activity:
She worked as a teacher, engineer, assistant, associate professor in state educational institutions.
Research topics are currently determined by the cylinder head No. 16-2025 "Development of methodological principles of continuous fundamental training in physics in the college-university system."
Readable academic disciplines:
Physics (476 h).
Main Publications:
Author of over 80 scientific and scientific-methodical publications.