Academic department of Philosophy. Ratnikova Irina Mikhailovna

Associate Professor, PhD, Associate Professor
Minsk,Gikalostreet, 9, 304
Phone: +375 17 293-88-28
Professional interests/researches:
modern Western Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Cognitive Science.
the department of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University was graduated with a degree in «Philosophy». Then postgraduate studies in «Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture» (09.00.13) were continued.Advanced training in the following programs: «Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education» and «Integrated modules «Philosophy» and «Political Science»: content, methodology and methodology of teaching».
Working career:
since 2005, has been working at BSUIR as a professor, currently - associate professor.PhD thesis «Dynamics of the philosophical foundations of Critical Theory» (09.00.03 - History of Philosophy)was defended successfully.The academic rank of Associate Professor in «Philosophy» was awarded.
Taught academic subjects:
«Philosophy» (180 hours), «Logic» (72 hours).
Minsk,Gikalostreet, 9, 304
Phone: +375 17 293-88-28
Professional interests/researches:
modern Western Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Cognitive Science.
the department of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University was graduated with a degree in «Philosophy». Then postgraduate studies in «Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture» (09.00.13) were continued.Advanced training in the following programs: «Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education» and «Integrated modules «Philosophy» and «Political Science»: content, methodology and methodology of teaching».
Working career:
since 2005, has been working at BSUIR as a professor, currently - associate professor.PhD thesis «Dynamics of the philosophical foundations of Critical Theory» (09.00.03 - History of Philosophy)was defended successfully.The academic rank of Associate Professor in «Philosophy» was awarded.
Taught academic subjects:
«Philosophy» (180 hours), «Logic» (72 hours).