Academic department of Philosophy. Malychina Galina

Chair of the Department of Philosophy, PhD, Associate Professor
Minsk, st.Gikalo 9, building 4, office 305а
Phone: +375 17 293-86-94
Professional interests/researches:
logic and theory of argumentation, logical-rhetorical aspects of dialogue, philosophical and methodological problems of social synergy, philosophy and methodology of science.
Education, trainings, professional development
- In 1977 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Leningrad State University. In 1981 also graduated from graduate school and defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "R. Grassmann's logic" in the specialty "Logic";
- In 1987-1988 graduated with honors from full-time special courses of French language in Leningrad. In 1988 took an internship in France (Montpellier);
- From 1988 to 1990 in accordance with the decision of the USSR Ministry of Educationworked in Equatorial Africa, taught philosophy, logic and ethics in French at higher educational institutions in Brazzaville (People's Republic of Congo). Author of 170 publications, including in French and English.
- Republican Institute of Higher Education, training on the program "Lecture in modern HEI: models of design and implementation of educational material in the educational process" (passed in 2019).
Working career
- Аt the university (BSUIR) since 1982. Since 1987 as an associate professor, since 2004 as a head of philosophy department.
Taught academic subjects
- "Philosophy and Methodology of Science", 240/6 C.U.
- "Logic" 72/2 C.U.
- "Philosophy" (integrated module), 180/5 C.U.
Merits, awards, incentives
For many years of successful scientific and pedagogical activity and in connection with the 50th anniversary of BSUIR in 2014 G.I. Malychina was awarded the FranciskSkorina medal, in 2015 - the badge of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - "Excellence in Education", in 2019 - the Certificate of Honor of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.