Academic department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Vladimir V. Shulgov
Senior Lecturer
P. Browki 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 293-86-38
Teaching courses:
Semiconductor devices and elements of integrated circuits (part 2)
Technology of integrated circuits manufacturing (part 3)
Microelectronics and microcircuitry
Design of hybrid microassemblies
BSUIR Repository
1971 -1976 Kharkov Aviation Institute
1983-1986 Post-graduate studies, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk
Experience Abroad:
2018 Visiting Scientist University of Zelena Gora (Poland). Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Expertise and Scientific Activity: Microelectronic devices, anodic oxidation of aluminum and its alloys, thermal properties of anodic aluminum oxides
Languages available: Germany - fluent, Russian, belarussian - native speaker.
Papers in refereed journals 20
Communications to scientific
conferences and workshops 24
Invited talks 5
List of publications
1) V. Sokol, V. Shulgov. Thermal Stability of Anodic Layers on Aluminum Alloys/ Solid State Phenomena. - 2015. -Vol. 230. - PP .14 - 18.
2) V. Shulgov. The Increase in Thermal Stability of Anodic Alumina Films on Aluminum/ International Conference "Oxide materials for electronic engineering - fabrication, properties and application" - (ОМЕЕ-2017). Lviv, 29 May-02 Juni, 2017, Львів: Видавництво Львівськоі політехніки, 2017, P 39.
3) V. Shulgov. Thermal Stability of Porous Anodic Alumina Formed in Electrolytes with Surfactant Additives/Acta Physica Polonica A.- 2018.- Vol. 133, N4. - P.767-770. DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.767
4) Internal Stress in Aluminum Layers Deposited on Dielectric Substrates/V. Shulgov, D. Shimanovich, V. Yakovtseva, G. Basov// Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (MicDAT '2020), 20-23 October 2020, РР. 51 - 52.
5) Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Membranes as Passive Luminance Enhancers for LCD/ D. Shimanovich, V. Yakovtseva, V. Shulgov, G. Basov// Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (MicDAT '2020), 20-23 October 2020, РР. 48 - 50.
6) Alumina Membrane as Passive Light Amplifier. V. Yakovtseva, V. Shulgov, D. Shimanovich/ Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 248, Issue 1, January 2021, РР. 27- 29.
7) Internal Stress in the Porous Anodic Alumina/Aluminum System. V. Yakovtseva, V. Shulgov and D. Shimanovich/ Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 248, Issue 1, January 2021, РР. 30 - 35.