Academic department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Sviatlana A. Vauchok
Ph.D., Assistant professor
Scientific Secretory of department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics
P. Browki 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 293-88-69
Teaching courses:
Surface and contact phenomena in integrated circuits
Solid state physics
Computer-aided design systems for integrated circuits
BSUIR Repository
September 2005 - Now Assistant professor, Nano&Microelectronic Department, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus
February 1999 - August 2005 Senior researcher, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus
December 1995 - December 1998 Doctorate Student, Belarusian State University of Informatics and
Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus
September 1989 - July 1995 Student, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus
Expertise and Scientific Activity: Physical chemistry and chemical physics phenomena at heterogeneous interfaces. Dimensional (macroscopic and quantum mechanical) phenomena in porous materials. Physicochemical and technological aspects of formation of active elements for micro- and nanoelectronics.
List of publications (Papers in refereed journals)
1) Bond energy in nanostructured water //S. A. Volchek, V. A. Petrovich, S. V. Granko, V. Yu. Serenkov, V. A. Yakovtseva/ International Journal of Nanoscience. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2019) Р.1-4.
2) Метод контроля свойств технологических жидкостей / С.А. Волчёк, С.В. Гранько, С.А. Завацкий, В.А. Петрович, А.Н. Петлицкий, В.Ю. Серенков// Нанотехнологии: разработка, применение — XXI век, №3, Москва, 2019 г. - С. 5-13.
3) Method for determining of bond energy in nanostructured water / Vladimir Petrovich, Svetlana Volchek, Valentina Yakovtseva, Vitaly Bondarenko, Sergey Redko// Journal MRS Advances. MRSAdv-2019-3279154.R1. Р.1-8.