Academic department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Elena A. Outkina

Elena A. Outkina

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Leading Researcher
P. Browki 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 293-80-24

Teaching courses:
Materials and components of electronic engineering
Materials of electronic engineering and technology their production
Technological processes of microelectronics

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1971 - 1976 M.Sc in Chemistry. Belarus State University, Department of Chemistry, Minsk
1986 - 1989 Post-graduate studies, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,
2000 Ph.D. degree in Solid-State Electronics&Technology
2007 Rank of Associate Professor

Research Positions
1971 - 1976 Belorussian State University, Chemical department, Chemistry of semiconductors
1976-1979 Institute of Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, engineer
1980-1984 Institute of Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Junior
1984-1986 Minsk Radioengineering Institute, Laboratory of Technology of Hybrid Circuits
Junior researcher
1986 - 1989 Post-graduate studies, Belarus State University of Informatics and
1989-2000 Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, , Laboratory of
Technology of Hybrid Circuits, Research Scientist
2000 Ph.D. degree in Solid-State Electronics&Technology
2001-2004 Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, , Laboratory of
Technology of Hybrid Circuits, Senior Resercher
2004-present Laboratory of Technology of Hybrid Circuits, Leading Researcher
2007 Rank of Associate Professor

Experience Abroad:
Visiting scientist Korean Electronic Science Institute (KETI, Republic of Korea)

Expertise and Scientific Activity: Anodic oxidation and electrochemical deposition thin films of metals and semiconductors. Technology of photoelectronic devices production using multicomponent semiconductors. Nanoelectronics, spintronics, investigation of nanoscale structures formation for magnetic memory elements and magnetoresistive sensors.

Languages available: English - fluent, Russian, Belarusian - native speaker

Papers in refereed journals 50
conferences and workshops 30
Textbooks 2

List of publications
1. M. Trezza, C. Cirillo, A. I. Vorobjeva, E. A. Outkina, S. L. Prischepa, C.Attanasio. Vortex matching effects in Nb thin films due to Ni nanopillars embedded in anodic aluminum oxide substrates //Superconductor Science and Technology, 26(2013) pp.1-5
2. A.I. Vorobyova, E.A. Outkina, O.M. Komar. Study of metal pillar nanostructure formation with thin porous alumina template // Thin Solid Films Volume 548, 2 December 2013, Pages 109-117.
3. A.I. Vorobyova, E.A. Outkina, O.M. Komar. Uniform deposition of nickel into the pores of ordered thin alumina // Russian Microelectronics. - 2013. - V. 42, № 2, с. 105
4. Vorobyova, A.I. Formation and properties of nickel nanopillars in porous aluminum oxide / A.I. Vorobyova, E. A. Outkina, S. L. Prischepa, O.M. Komar // Nano- and mucrosystem technique. 2014. - №2 (in Russian).
5. Properties of Ni and Ni-Fe nanowires electrochemically deposited into a porous alumina template / A. I. Vorobjova and other // Beilstein Journal Nanotechnology. - 2016. - № 7. - Р. 1709-1717. DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.7.163
6. Vorobyova, A. I. Nickel/alumina nanocomposites by AC electrochemical processing / A. I. Vorobyova, E. A. Outkina, A. A. Khodin // Applied Physics A. Materials Science & Processing. - 2016. - Volume 122, N2, - P.109-117. - DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-9611-z
7. Outkina, E. A. SnSx - based nanostructured layers for solar cells / E. A. Outkina, A. I. Vorobyova, А. A. Khodin // Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. - Singapore: World Scientific, 2017. - Р. 499 - 502.
8. Highly ordered through-holes Porous alumina membranes for Ni-Fe nanowires fabrication / A. I. Vorobyova and other / A. I. Vorobyova and other // Appl.Phys.A: Materials Science & Processing. - 2018. - V. 1. - P. 124 - 132. DOI::10.1007/s00339-017-1401-8.
9. Outkina, E. A. Graded bandgap nanostructured SnS-based photocells / E. A. Outkina, A. I. Vorobyova, A. A. Khodin. - Applied Physics A - 2020. - V.126, N 899. doi:10.1007/s00339-020-04081-5
10. A.I. Vorobjova, V.A.Labunov, E.A.Outkina, D.V.Grapov. Metallization of Vias in Silicon Wafers to Produce Three-Dimensional Microstructures // Russian Microelectronics. - 2021. - V.50, N1. - P.8-18. DOI: 10.1134/s1063739721010108
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