Academic department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Dmitri B. Migas
Ph.D., Dr. Hab.
P. Browki 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +3751722938869
Fax: +3751722938869
Teaching courses:
Physics of condensed matter
Modeling of nanostructures
Nanotechnologies in manufacturing electronic devices
New materials and technologies in electronics
New trends in physics of condensed matter
Design of technologies to form nanostructures
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Publons (Web of Science)
BSUIR Repository
1990 -1995 Undergraduate studies in physics of semiconductors at BSUIR
20.07.1995 Degree in Physics (Materials Science/Microelectronics)
1995- 1998 Post-graduate studies at the research laboratory of nanoelectronics and novel materials of BSUIR
18.09.1998 Ph.D. degree in Solid State Physics at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
22.02.2012 Dr. Hab. in Nanoelectronics and Solid State Physics
1994 Award from International Soros Science Educational Program in recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievements in the study of science at the university level.
1997 Personal scholarship awarded by Cabinet Council of Belarus.
1999 Mikhail Teplov scholarship for participation in the 16th Course of the International School of Solid State Physics on "Silicides: Fundamentals and Applications".
2013 Award from the President of the Republic of Belarus for talented yang scientists.
Experience Abroad:
18.01.1999-17.01.2001 Postdoctoral position provided by the Italian National Institute for the Physics of Matter at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy).
15.02.2004 Senior Researcher of the Italian National Institute for the Physics of Matter at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy).
30.06.2006 Postdoctoral position at the University of Louisville (Louisville, USA)
Visiting Scientist Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
Professor National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) (Moscow, Russia)
Past employment:
31.01.2012 Senior Researcher at research unit in BSUIR
31.08.2012 Leading Researcher at research unit in BSUIR
Expertise and Scientific Activity: ab initio investigation of structural, electronic, optical, magnetic and transport properties of materials including bulk, surfaces, thin films (from 2D to several nm) and nanowires of semiconducting and metal silicides, IV and III-V compounds, metal oxides.
Scientific collaboration:
Group of Professor Leo Miglio University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy)
Group of Professor Natalia Skorodumova Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
Group of Professor Takashi Suemasu University of Tsukuba (Tsukuba, Japan)
Group of Professor Cesare Soci Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Languages available: English - fluent, Italian - fairly good.
Papers in refereed journals 71
Communications to scientific
conferences and workshops 33
Invited talks 15
List of publications (Papers in refereed journals)
1. A.B. Filonov, I.E. Tralle, N.N. Dorozhkin, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, G.V. Petrov, V.M. Anishchik, and V.E. Borisenko, Semiconducting properties of hexagonal chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten disilicides, Physica Status Solidi B 186, 209 (1994). (IF= 1.481)
2. A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, N.N. Dorozhkin, G.V. Petrov, V.E. Borisenko , W. Henrion, H. Lange, Electronic and related properties of crystalline semiconducting iron disilicide, J. Appl. Phys. 79 (10), 7708 (1996). (IF = 2.286)
3. A.B. Filonov, I.E. Tralle, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Transport properties of p-type -FeSi2, Phys. Status Solidi B 203, 183 (1997) (IF= 1.481)
4. A.B. Filonov , D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, N.N. Dorozhkin, V.E. Borisenko, H. Lange, Electronic properties of osmium disilicide, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 976 (1997). (IF = 3.597)
5. A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, W. Henrion, M. Rebien, P. Stauss, H. Lange, G. Behr, Theoretical and experimental study of interband optical transitions in semiconducting iron disilicide, J. Appl. Phys., 83, 4410 (1998). (IF = 2.286)
6. A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, N.N. Dorozhkin, V.E. Borisenko, H. Lange, A. Heinrich, Electronic properties of semiconducting rhenium silicide, Europhys. Lett. 46 (3), 376-381 (1999). (IF = 1.958)
7. A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, N.N. Dorozhkin, V.E. Borisenko, A. Heinrich, H. Lange, Electronic properties of isostructural ruthenium and osmium silicides and germanides, Phys. Rev. B, 60, 16494 (1999) (IF = 3.575)
8. T. Meyer, D. Migas, L. Miglio, H. von Kanel, Electron and hole focusing in CoSi2/Si(111) observed by ballistic electron emission microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1520 (2000) (IF = 8.385)
9. A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, A. Heinrich, Narrow-gap semiconducting silicides: the band structure, Microelectronic Engineering 55, 249 (2000) (IF = 2.305).
10. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, Band-gap modifications of -FeSi2 with lattice distortions corresponding to the epitaxial relationships on Si(111), Phys. Rev. B 62, 11063 (2000) (IF = 3.575)
11. F. La Via, F. Mammoliti, G. Corallo, M.G. Grimaldi, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, Formation of the TiSi2 C40 as an intermediate phase during the reaction of the Si/Ta/Ti system, Appl. Phys. Let. 78, 1864 (2001) (IF = 3.597).
12. F. La Via, M.G. Grimaldi, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, Defect-induced tetragonalization of the orthorhombic TiSi2 C49 phase: X-ray diffraction and first principles calculations, Appl. Phys. Let. 78, 739 (2001) (IF = 3.597).
13. V.L. Shaposhnikov, L.I. Ivanenko, D.B. Migas, D. Lenssen, R. Carius, S. Mantl, V.E. Borisenko, Optical properties of semiconducting Ru2Si3, Opt. Mater. 17, 339 (2001) (IF = 2.779)
14. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, W. Henrion, M. Rebien, F. Marabelli, B.A. Cook, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Electronic and optical properties of isostructural -FeSi2 and OsSi2, Phys. Rev. B 64, 075208 (2001) (IF = 3.575)
15. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, Electronic and optical properties of the (FeOs)Si2 ternaries, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2175 (2001). (IF = 3.597)
16. D.B. Migas, W. Henrion, M. Rebien, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, L. Miglio, Optical properties of isostructural -FeSi2, OsSi2, Fe0.5Os0.5Si2 and Os0.5Fe0.5Si2, Opt. Mater. 17, 335 (2001) (IF = 2.779)
17. P. Raiteri, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, A. Rastelli, H. von Kanel, Critical role of the surface reconstruction in the thermodynamic stability of {105} Ge pyramids on Si(001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 256103 (2002) (IF = 8.385)
18. L.I. Ivanenko, V.L. Shaposhnikov, A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, G. Behr, J. Schumann, H. Vinzelberg, V.E. Borisenko, Transport properties of semiconducting rhenium silicide, Microelectronic Engineering 64, 225 (2002) (IF = 2.305).
19. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Structural, electronic and optical properties of Ru2Si3, Ru2Ge3, Os2Si3 and Os2Ge3, Phys. Status Solidi B 231, 171 (2002) (IF= 1.481)
20. M.G. Grimaldi, C. Bongiorno, C. Spinella, E. Grilli, L. Martinelli, M. Gemelli, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, M. Fanciulli, Luminescence from -FeSi2 precipitates in Si. I. Morphology and epitaxial relationship, Phys. Rev. B 66, 085319 (2002) (IF = 3.575)
21. L. Martinelli, E. Grilli, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, M. Geddo, M.G. Grimaldi, C. Spinella, Luminescence from -FeSi2 precipitates in Si. II: Origin and nature of the photoluminescence, Phys. Rev. B 66, 085320 (2002) (IF = 3.575)
22. A. Rastelli, H. von Kanel, G. Albini, P. Raiteri, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, Morphological and compositional evolution of the Ge/Si(001) surface during exposure to a Si flux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 216104 (2003) (IF = 8.385)
23. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Comparative study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Ca2Si, Ca2Ge, Ca2Sn, and Ca2Pb, Phys. Rev. B 67, 205203 (2003) (IF = 3.575)
24. F. Montalenti, P. Raiteri, D.B. Migas, H. von Kanel, A. Rastelli, C. Manzano, G. Costantini, U. Denker, O.G. Schmidt, K. Kern, L. Miglio, Atomic-scale pathway of the pyramid-to-dome transition during Ge growth on Si(001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216102 (2004) (IF = 8.385)
25. D.B. Migas, P. Raiteri, L. Miglio, A. Rastelli, H. von Kanel, Evolution of the Ge/Si(001) wetting layer during Si overgrowth and crossover between thermodynamic and kinetic behavior, Phys. Rev. B 69, 235318 (2004) (IF = 3.575)
26. F. Montalenti, D.B. Migas, F. Gamba, L. Miglio, Fast isotropic adatom diffusion on Ge(105) dot facets, Phys. Rev. B 70, 245315 (2004) (IF = 3.575)
27. D.B. Migas, S. Cereda, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio, Electronic and elastic contributions in the enhanced stability of Ge(105) under compressive strain, Surf. Sci. 556, 121 (2004) (IF = 1.466)
28. L.I. Ivanenko, V.L. Shaposhnikov, A.B. Filonov, A.V. Krivosheeva, V.E. Borisenko, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, G. Behr, J. Schumann, Electronic properties of semiconducting silicides: fundamentals and recent predictions Thin Solid Films, 461, 141 (2004) (IF = 2.030)
29. V.L. Shaposhnikov, A.V. Krivosheeva, L.I. Ivanenko, A.B. Filonov, V.E. Borisenko, M. Rebien, W. Henrion, D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, G. Behr, J. Schumann, Structural, electronic and optical properties of semiconducting rhenium silicide, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 303 (2004). (IF = 2.707).
30. D.B. Migas, L. Miglio, M. Rebien, W. Henrion, P. Stauss, A.G. Birdwell, A.V. Davydov, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Structural, electronic and optical properties of -(Fe1-xCox)Si2, Phys. Rev. B 69, 115204 (2004) (IF = 3.575)
31. D.B. Migas, Effects of morphology on the electronic and photoluminescence properties of hydrogenated silicon nanowires, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 054310 (2005). (IF = 2.286).
32. D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, A.B. Filonov, N.N. Dorozhkin, V.E. Borisenko, New semiconducting silicide Ca3Si4, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 346207 (2007). (IF = 2.707)
33. D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.E. Borisenko, Isostructural BaSi2, BaGe2 and SrGe2: electronic and optical properties, Phys. Status Solidi B 244, 2611 (2007) (IF= 1.481)
34. D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, V.N. Rodin, N.N. Dorozhkin, V.E. Borisenko, Electronic and optical properties of Ir3Si5, Phys. Status Solidi B 244, 3178 (2007) (IF= 1.481)
35. D.B. Migas, V.E. Borisenko, Tailoring the character of the band-gap in <011>-, <111>- and <112>-oriented silicon nanowires, Nanotechnology 18, 375703 (2007). (IF = 3.551)
36. D.B. Migas, V.E. Borisenko, Structural, electronic and optical properties of <001>-oriented SiGe nanowires, Phys. Rev. B.76, 035440 (2007). (IF = 3.575)
37. D.B. Migas, Electronic properties of hydrogenated silicon nanowires with surface defects, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 064301 (2007). (IF = 2.286)
38. D.B. Migas, V.L. Shaposhnikov, A.B. Filonov, V.E. Borisenko, N.N. Dorozhkin, ab initio study of the band structures of different phases of higher manganese silicides, Phys. Rev. B 77, 075205 (2008) (IF = 3.575)
39. D.B. Migas, V.E. Borisenko, Effects of oxygen, fluorine and hydroxyl passivation on electronic properties of <001>-oriented silicon nanowires, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 024314 (2008). (IF = 2.286)
40. D. B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, The role of morphology in stability of Si nanowires, J Appl. Phys. 105, 104316 (2009). (IF = 2.286)
41. V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, N.N. Dorozhkin, Features of the band structure for semiconducting iron, ruthenium, and osmium monosilicides, Semiconductors, 43, 142 (2009) (IF= 0.641).
42. D. B. Migas, V. L. Shaposhnikov, V. N. Rodin, V. E. Borisenko, Tungsten oxides. I. Effects of oxygen vacancies and doping on electronic and optical properties of different phases of WO3, J Appl. Phys. 108, 093713 (2010) (IF = 2.286).
43. D. B. Migas, V. L. Shaposhnikov, V. E. Borisenko, Tungsten oxides. II. The metallic nature of Magnéli phases, J Appl. Phys. 108, 093714 (2010) (IF = 2.286).
44. D. B. Migas, V. L. Shaposhnikov, V. E. Borisenko, F. Arnaud d’Avitaya, Effects of Morphology on Stability, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Rutile TiO2 Nanowires, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 21013 (2010) (IF = 4.189)
45. X. Wu, D. B. Migas, X. Li, M. Bosman, N. Raghavan, V. E. Borisenko, K. L. Pey, Role of oxygen vacancies in HfO2-based gate stack breakdown, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 172901 (2010) (IF = 3.597).
46. V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas, V. N. Rodin, V. E. Borisenko, Ab initio investigation of structural and electronic properties of tungsten dioxide, Phys. Status Solidi B 248, 1471 (2011) (IF= 1.481)
47. Ch. Wilhelm, A. Larrue, X. Dai, D. Migas, C. Soci, Anisotropic photonic properties of III-V nanowires in the zinc-blende and wurtzite phase, Nanoscale 4, 1446 (2012) (IF = 6.895)
48. R. A. Evarestov, D.B. Migas, Yu. F. Zhukovskii, Symmetry and stability of the rutile-based TiO2 nanowires: models and comparative LCAO-plane wave DFT calculations, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 13395 (2012). (IF = 4.189)
49. X. Wu, D. Cha, M. Bosman, N. Raghavan, D.B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, X.-X. Zhang, Kun Li, K.-L. Pey, Intrinsic nanofilamentation in resistive switching, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 114503 (2013). (IF = 2.286)
50. A. L. Danilyuk, D.B. Migas, M. A. Danilyuk, V. E. Borisenko, X.Wu, N. Raghavan, K. L. Pey, Multiphonon ionization of traps formed in hafnium oxide by electrical stress Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 361 (2013). (IF= 1.759)
51. J. Yin, D.B. Migas, M. Panahandeh-Fard, S. Chen, Z. Wang, P. Lova, C. Soci, Charge Redistribution at GaAs/P3HT Heterointerfaces with Different Surface Polarity, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 3303 (2013). (IF = 6.710)
52. D.B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, Semiconducting silicides as potential candidates for light detectors: ab initio predictions, Phys. Status Solidi C 10, 1658 (2013). (IF=0.962)
53. D.B. Migas, A. B. Filonov, V. E. Borisenko and N. V. Skorodumova, Orientation effects in morphology and electronic properties of anatase TiO2 one-dimensional nanostructures. I. Nanowires, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 9479 (2014). (IF=3.430)
54. D.B. Migas, A. B. Filonov, V. E. Borisenko and N. V. Skorodumova, Orientation effects in morphology and electronic properties of anatase TiO2 one-dimensional nanostructures. II. Nanotubes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 9490 (2014). (IF=3.430)
55. D.B Migas, V. E. Borisenko, Rusli and C. Soci, Revising morphology of <111>-oriented silicon and germanium nanowires, Nano Convergence 2, 16 (2015). (IF = 2.919)
56. D.B. Migas, A. B. Filonov, D. A. Yatsyna, Rusli and C. Soci, Role of edge facets on stability and electronic properties of III-V nanowires, Nano Convergence 2, 14 (2015). (IF = 2.919)
57. D.B. Migas, V. O. Bogorodz, A. B. Filonov, V. L. Shaposhnikov, V. E. Borisenko, and N. G. Galkin, Electronic properties of semiconducting Ca2Si silicide: From bulk to nanostructures by means of first principles calculations, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 07JA03 (2015). (IF = 1.376)
58. D. B. Migas, V. O. Bogorodz, A. V. Krivosheeva, V. L. Shaposhnikov, A. B. Filonov, and V. E. Borisenko, Electronic properties of thin BaSi2 films with different orientations, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56, 05DA03 (2017). (IF = 1.376)
59. D. B. Migas, V. L. Shaposhnikov, V. E. Borisenko and N. V. Skorodumova, The surface energy and band structure of -WO3 thin films, Sci. Adv. Mater. 9, 469 (2017). (IF =1.117 )
60. D.B. Migas, V.O. Bogorodz, A.B. Filonov, V.E. Borisenko, N.V. Skorodumova, Quasi-2D silicon structures based on ultrathin Me2Si (Me = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) films, Surf. Sci. 670, 51-57 (2018). (IF = 1.466).
61. T. Deng, T. Suemasu, D.A. Shohonov, I.S. Samusevich, A.B. Filonov, D.B. Migas, V.E. Borisenko, Transport properties of n- and p-type polycrystalline BaSi2, Thin Solid Films. 661, 7-15 (2018). (IF = 2.030)
62. N. G. Galkin, S. A. Dotsenko, K. N. Galkin, A. M. Maslov, D. B. Migas, V. O. Bogorodz, A. B. Filonov, V. E. Borisenko, I. Cora, B. Pecz, D. L. Goroshko, A. V. Tupkalo, E. A. Chusovitin, E. Y. Subbotin, Conductive CaSi2 transparent in the near infra-red range, J. Alloys Compd. 770, 710-720 (2019). (IF = 4.650)
63. A. Yu. Alekseev, A. G. Chernykh, A. B. Filonov, D. B. Migas, N. V. Skorodumova, Stability of 2D alkaline-earth metal silicides, germanides and stannides, Int. J. Nanosci. 18, 1940013 (2019). (IF = 0.569)
64. Z. Xu, D. A. Shohonov, A. B. Filonov, K. Gotoh, T. Deng, S. Honda, K. Toko, N. Usami, D. B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, and T. Suemasu, Marked enhancement of the photoresponsivity and minority-carrier lifetime of BaSi2 passivated with atomic hydrogen, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 065403 (2019). (IF = 3.337)
65. D.A. Shohonov, D.B. Migas, A.B. Filonov, V.E. Borisenko, R. Takabe, T. Suemasu, Effects of lattice parameter manipulations on electronic and optical properties of BaSi2, Thin Solid Films. 686, 137436 (2019). (IF = 2.030)
66. D.B. Migas, A.B. Filonov, V.E. Borisenko, N.V. Skorodumova, Effect of polaron formation on electronic, charge and magnetic properties of Nb12O29, J. Alloys Compd. 821, 153527 (2020). (IF = 4.650)
67. A. Y. Alekseev, D. B. Migas, A. B. Filonov, V. E. Borisenko, and N. V. Skorodumova, Structural stability and electronic properties of 2D alkaline-earth metal silicides, germanides, and stannides, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, SF0801 (2020). (IF = 1.376)
68. Z. Xu, T. Sato, J. Nakamura, A. Koda, K. Shimomura, A. B. Filonov, D. B. Migas and T. Suemasu, Hydrogen states in hydrogen-passivated semiconducting barium disilicide measured via muon spin rotation, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, 071004 (2020). (IF = 1.376)
69. Z. Xu, T. Sato, L. Benincasa, Y. Yamashita, T. Deng, K. Gotoh, K. Toko, N. Usami, A. B. Filonov, D. B. Migas, D. A. Shohonov, and T. Suemasu, Atomic hydrogen passivation for photoresponsivity enhancement of boron-doped p-BaSi2 films and performance improvement of boron-doped p-BaSi2/n-Si heterojunction solar cells, J. Appl. Phys. 127, 233104 (2020). (IF = 2.286).
70. A. Yu. Alekseev, D.B. Migas, A.B. Filonov, A.G. Chernykh, V.E. Borisenko, N. V. Skorodumova, Curvature-induced effects in semiconducting alkaline-earth metal silicide nanotubes, Physica E 128, 114582 (2021). (IF = 3.570)
71. E. Scalise, A. Sarikov, L. Barbisan, A. Marzegalli, D.B. Migas, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio, Thermodynamic driving force in the formation of hexagonal-diamond Si and Ge nanowires, App. Surf. Sci. 545, 148948 (2021). (IF = 6.182)