Zhilinskaya Natalia

Zhilinskaya Natalia

Associate Professor of the Department of Management, PhD

Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807

Phone: +375 17 293-86-46

E-mail: zh-nata2005@yandex.ru

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Professional interests/researches Political Economy of Global Economic Problems

Belarusian State University, 1987.
Postgraduate studies at the Belarusian State University, 1989-1992. Specialty: political economy.
Internship at Nottingham Trent University in the framework of the REAP-project organized by Know How Fund (Nottingham, UK, 1999-2001).
Zhilinskaya N.N. took advanced training courses in accordance with the plans of the departments of higher educational institutions, in which she taught economic disciplines:
program "Modern teaching of economic disciplines", State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" (certificate of advanced training No. 1252793 dated October 14, 2011);
distance learning program "MOODLE", UO "GIUST BSU", 25.04.2014;
program "State policy in the field of higher education", State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" (certificate of advanced training No. 2434862 dated 02.12.2016)

Working career:
Zhilinskaya N.N. worked as an associate professor at state and commercial universities in Minsk, such as the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Economic University, the Minsk State Linguistic University, the Institute of Modern Knowledge, and the Belarusian Commercial University of Management.
She defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Socio-economic problems of women's labor (in agriculture of the Republic of Belarus)" in 1993 (Ph.D. diploma KD No. 082015, Moscow, 17.09.1993).
Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in 1998 (certificate of Associate Professor in the specialty "Economics" AD 000595, Minsk, 27.05.1998).
From 2014 to the present, she is an associate professor of the Department of Management of the State Educational Institution "Belarusian State University Informatics and Radioelectronics".
Spheres of scientific interests are political economy of global economic problems and management problems in the global political economy.

Taught academic subjects:
«Economic theory» (324, 9 credits).
«International Economics» (120, 3 credits)
«Global Political Economy» (90, 3 credits)

Main publications:
1. Zhilinskaya N.N. Crowdfunding as a tool for selecting and implementing innovations in the networked economy. / Materials of the II International scientific and practical conference "Strategic directions of socio-economic and financial support for the growth of the national economy in the context of integration", - Minsk, 2018 - pp. 112-119.
2. Zhilinskaya N.N. Development of the ICT sector in the Belarusian economy: a quantitative aspect. / Abstracts of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic directions of socio-economic and financial support for the growth of the national economy in the context of integration", - Minsk, 2018 - pp. 27-29.
3. Zhilinskaya N.N. Problems of measuring intellectual capital. / Materials of the ХIХ International scientific conference "Problems of forecasting and state regulation of socio-economic development" in 3 vols. - Minsk, NIEI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2018 - P. 82-84.
4. Zhilinskaya N.N. Gender approach to the problem of employment within the rural family. / Bulletin of personnel policy, agricultural education and innovations. - Issue No. 1-3 - Moscow, 2019 - P. 36-42.
5. Zhilinskaya, NN Gender factors of employment in post-industrial society / NN Zhilinskaya // Management and marketing: experience and problems: collection of scientific papers / [under total. ed. I.L. Akulich]; Belarusian. state econom. un-t [and others]. - Minsk: A.N. Varaksin, 2019. - P. 73-77.
6. Yakovchik, N., Ivanova, T., Zhilinskaya, N. Improving the management system for the reproduction of human resources in agriculture. / Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian Economics". - Minsk, RUE "Publishing house" Belaruskaya Navuka ", 2019, No. 6 (289) - P. 41-48.
7. Zhilinskaya, NN, Lisova, MA Information security: risks and cost of data leakage / Materials of the International scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Business. Innovation. Economy". - Minsk, 2019. - P. 452-456.
8. Ivanova, T.V., Shaitan, B.I., Guleichik, A.I., Zhilinskaya, N.N. The main elements of the systemic management of the reproduction of human resources in agriculture. / Bulletin of personnel policy, agricultural education and innovations. - Issue No. 10-12 - Moscow, 2020. - P. 158-165.
9. Zhilinskaya, N.N. Global risks and their socio-economic consequences. / Abstracts of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic directions of socio- economic and financial support for the growth of the national economy in the context of integration". - Minsk, 2020. - P. 47-49.
10. Zhilinskaya, N. N. Information monopolies: specific features and role in the economy / N. N. Zhilinskaya // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: globalization, innovation, sustainability: materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, May 14, 2020. / Ministry of Education Resp. Belarus, Belarus. state econom. un-t; [editorial board: V.Yu. Shutilin (editor-in-chief) and others]. - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - P. 23-24.
11. Zhilinskaya, N.N., Korotkina, M.Yu. World experience in the development of the Internet insurance market / N. N. Zhilinskaya // Management and marketing: experience and problems: collection of scientific papers / [under total. ed. I.L. Akulich]; Belarusian. state econom. un-t [and others]. - Minsk: A.N. Varaksin, 2020. - P. 59-63.
12. Zhilinskaya, N.N., Korotkina, M.Yu. The Internet insurance market in the developed countries of the world: problems and prospects / N.N. Zhilinskaya // Economics and management: social, economic and engineering aspects: collection of scientific articles of the III International scientific and practical conference, UO Brest State Technical University, Brest, November 19-20, 2020; editorial board: S. F. Kugan [et al.]. - Brest: BrGTU Publishing House, 2020. - P. 265-270.

Merits, awards, incentives:
Candidate of Science Diploma KD No. 082015, Moscow, 17.09.1993.
Associate professor's certificate in the specialty "Economics" AD 000595, Minsk, 27.05.1998.
Diploma of the State Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the Republic of Belarus based on the results of work for the 2017-2018 academic year.