Orlova Elena
Assistant Professor of the Department of Management
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 805
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: orlova7el@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches: E-business economics; consideration of issues of legal and economic content of entrepreneurial activity in information technology, radio electronics, infocommunications; personnel Management
Belarusian State University and Minsk Institute of Management. In 2017, she graduated from advanced training courses on the topic "Technologies of e-learning" of the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education".
Working career:
She worked as a senior lecturer at the Minsk Institute of Management and part-time at the Academy of Management of the President of the Republic of Belarus. At the Department of Management, UO BSUIR, she began work in the 2015/2016 academic year. Prepared work on writing a dissertation research on the topic "Administrative and legal organization of management in the field of the exchange securities market"
Taught academic subjects:
- Fundamentals of business and law in information technology, fundamentals of business and law in radio electronics, fundamentals of business and law in infocommunications (in the amount of 126 academic hours);
- Personnel management in the amount of 160 teaching hours
Main publications:
1. Kruglov, V.A. Financial law: answers to exam questions / Manuscript copyright / V.A. Kruglov, E.I. Orlova. - Minsk: Tetralit, 2017.
The applicant has developed tasks for practical exercises, tasks and situations for self-control in all disciplines taught.
According to the results of research work, 17 scientific works were published, including 9 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals with a total volume of 3.5 author's sheets and 1 in conference proceedings.
The results of research work were reported at scientific and practical conferences.
Orlova E.I. has more than 40 publications, including: teaching aids, scientific articles, abstracts.
2. Orlova, E.I. Actual problems of personnel management in conditions of remote employment in the Republic of Belarus / E.I. Orlova // Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus: XVI International. scientific-practical Conf., May 14, 2019; editorial board: V. L. Tsybovsky (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk, Kovcheg, 2019. - P. 60-63.
3. Orlova, E.I. The role and place of the organization's personnel management service in the context of the digital transformation of society / E.I. Orlova // Determinants of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus: XVII international. scientific-practical conf., May 15, 2020; editorial board: V. L. Tsybovsky (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk, Kovcheg, 2020. - P. 110-113.
Belarusian State University and Minsk Institute of Management. In 2017, she graduated from advanced training courses on the topic "Technologies of e-learning" of the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education".
Working career:
She worked as a senior lecturer at the Minsk Institute of Management and part-time at the Academy of Management of the President of the Republic of Belarus. At the Department of Management, UO BSUIR, she began work in the 2015/2016 academic year. Prepared work on writing a dissertation research on the topic "Administrative and legal organization of management in the field of the exchange securities market"
Taught academic subjects:
- Fundamentals of business and law in information technology, fundamentals of business and law in radio electronics, fundamentals of business and law in infocommunications (in the amount of 126 academic hours);
- Personnel management in the amount of 160 teaching hours
Main publications:
1. Kruglov, V.A. Financial law: answers to exam questions / Manuscript copyright / V.A. Kruglov, E.I. Orlova. - Minsk: Tetralit, 2017.
The applicant has developed tasks for practical exercises, tasks and situations for self-control in all disciplines taught.
According to the results of research work, 17 scientific works were published, including 9 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals with a total volume of 3.5 author's sheets and 1 in conference proceedings.
The results of research work were reported at scientific and practical conferences.
Orlova E.I. has more than 40 publications, including: teaching aids, scientific articles, abstracts.
2. Orlova, E.I. Actual problems of personnel management in conditions of remote employment in the Republic of Belarus / E.I. Orlova // Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus: XVI International. scientific-practical Conf., May 14, 2019; editorial board: V. L. Tsybovsky (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk, Kovcheg, 2019. - P. 60-63.
3. Orlova, E.I. The role and place of the organization's personnel management service in the context of the digital transformation of society / E.I. Orlova // Determinants of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus: XVII international. scientific-practical conf., May 15, 2020; editorial board: V. L. Tsybovsky (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk, Kovcheg, 2020. - P. 110-113.