Nasonova Irina
Associate Professor of the Department of Management, PhD
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: manhunt-7@yandex.com
Professional interests/researches: Financial and banking issues and concerns
Belarusian State Economic University, 1985,
Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2004
Postgraduate studies Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2006
Specialties: industrial planning, financial and banking management
Nasonova systematically improves their qualifications. In 2015 - in a foreign language ("English in professional activity", the first stage of training on the basis of BNTU from 27.01.2015 to 31.03.2015, certificate No. 2101934) full-time training, in 2016 - the second training stage from 05.02.2016 to 12.04.2016 (certificate No. 2543086), the third stage of training from 22.09.2016 to 29.11.2016 (certificate No. 2474873).
Working career:
In August 1985, she began to work according to the distribution in the Department of consumer services of the population of the Minsk City Executive Committee, initially as an economist of the price group. Later she was transferred to the economic planning department of the Office as a senior economist.
In December 1989, taking into account the growing tendencies of the transition of enterprises of the consumer services system to independent work, she moved to work in the planning and economic bureau of the plant of special computing equipment PO them. Lenin as an economist.
The factor of a sharp decrease in the volume of production of military-technical products, as well as a sharp decrease in the received wages, caused the transition in January 1995 to work in the currency and economic department of the Uruchye branch of the Belagroprombank JSCB. In July 1995, she was transferred to work in the central office of JSCB "Belagroprombank" in the department of foreign economic activity. From July 1995 to April 2000, in the above-mentioned structural division of the bank, she rose from an economist, senior economist, leading economist, chief economist to head of department. She held the position of the head of the department until September 2000 (she resigned at her own request).
From November 2000 to August 2003 she was the deputy head of the department for control over the activities of banks of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, from September 2001 to June 2003, under the direction of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, she completed training at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
In September 2003, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate - Head of the Monetary Regulation Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, where she held until December 2005.
From January 2006 to October 2008 at the Private Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, she worked as a Deputy Head of the Department of Finance.
From November 2008 to October 2011, she was the head of the financial market development department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus,
From January 2012 to the present, I have been an associate professor at the Department of Management at BSUIR.
The defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "State regulation of commodity markets with seasonal changes in sales and prices" took place on 01.10.2008.
The spheres of scientific interests are the problems of managing the development of enterprises, organizing financial and banking activities and interaction with financial market institutions.
Taught academic subjects:
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Information Technologies» (172 hours),
«Finance» (216 hours),
«Financial and Digital Asset Management» (120 hours).
Main publications:
1. Acquiring as "compulsion" to white accounting / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik suvyazi -2018.- № 6 (152). - P. 22-25.
2.Ways of development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus / I.V. Nasonova // Vestn. assoc. Belarusian. banks - 2019.- No. 3 (838). - P. 12-16.
3. Development of hedging and the market for futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2019.- № 3 (113). - P. 15-22.
4. Analysis of the global practice of debt financing of enterprises in the industry / I.V. Nasonova, Ay Di // Vesnik suvyazi -2019.- № 3 (155). - P. 46-49.
5. Development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus, the main function of which is insurance of price and currency risks (hedging) / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 4. - P. 41-43.
6 Development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus, the main function of which is insurance of price and currency risks (hedging) / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- No. 5.- (continued) - P. 42-43.
7. Analysis of the world practice of debt financing of enterprises / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 6. - P. 43-49.
8. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the introduction of modern computer information technologies in organizations / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 7. - P. 41-44.
9. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the implementation of modern computer information technologies in organizations / I.V. Nasonova // Financial Director -2019.- № 7 (199). - P. 68-72.
10. Analysis and planning of cash flows: direct and indirect methods / I.V. Nasonova // Financial Director -2019.- № 10 (202). - P. 28-34.
11. Nasonova I.V. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the introduction of modern computer information technologies in organizations. -Materials of the 18th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Science-Education, Production, Economy" .- in 4 volumes .- Vol. 1. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020.
12. Methodology for using social networks in the B2C market / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 3 (123). - P. 36-39.
13. Methodology for using social networks in the B2C market / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 3 (123). - P. 40-45.
14. Practice of regulation and management of digital assets / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 4 (124). - P. 56-61.
15. Digital assets: main types / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 4 (124). - P. 62-65.
16. Matrix of financial management / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik Suvyazi -2020.- № 2 (160). - P. 26-30.
17. Capital of an enterprise as the basis of its financial potential, the most important factor of competitiveness and investment attractiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 3. - P. 44-46.
18. Capital of an enterprise as the basis of its financial potential, the most important factor of competitiveness and investment attractiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 4.- (continued) - P. 45-48.
19.Analysis of the structure of debt financing of an enterprise in the Sayazi industry, registered by the State Institution "Administration of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park" Industrial Park "Great Stone" / I.V. Nasonova, Ai Di // Vesnik suvyazi -2020.- 4 (162) .- P. 32-35.
20. Development of a web application for an online store as a way to improve the financial condition of an organization and increase its competitiveness. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 10. - P. 40-43.
21. Development of a web application for an online store selling communication devices as a way to improve the financial condition of an organization and increase its competitiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik suvyazi -2020. - № 6 (164) .- P.45-49.
Merits, awards, incentives
By the decision of the Council for the Defense of Dissertation at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.10.2008, the academic degree of candidate of economic sciences was awarded.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated March 27, 2013, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Economics"
Belarusian State Economic University, 1985,
Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2004
Postgraduate studies Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2006
Specialties: industrial planning, financial and banking management
Nasonova systematically improves their qualifications. In 2015 - in a foreign language ("English in professional activity", the first stage of training on the basis of BNTU from 27.01.2015 to 31.03.2015, certificate No. 2101934) full-time training, in 2016 - the second training stage from 05.02.2016 to 12.04.2016 (certificate No. 2543086), the third stage of training from 22.09.2016 to 29.11.2016 (certificate No. 2474873).
Working career:
In August 1985, she began to work according to the distribution in the Department of consumer services of the population of the Minsk City Executive Committee, initially as an economist of the price group. Later she was transferred to the economic planning department of the Office as a senior economist.
In December 1989, taking into account the growing tendencies of the transition of enterprises of the consumer services system to independent work, she moved to work in the planning and economic bureau of the plant of special computing equipment PO them. Lenin as an economist.
The factor of a sharp decrease in the volume of production of military-technical products, as well as a sharp decrease in the received wages, caused the transition in January 1995 to work in the currency and economic department of the Uruchye branch of the Belagroprombank JSCB. In July 1995, she was transferred to work in the central office of JSCB "Belagroprombank" in the department of foreign economic activity. From July 1995 to April 2000, in the above-mentioned structural division of the bank, she rose from an economist, senior economist, leading economist, chief economist to head of department. She held the position of the head of the department until September 2000 (she resigned at her own request).
From November 2000 to August 2003 she was the deputy head of the department for control over the activities of banks of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, from September 2001 to June 2003, under the direction of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, she completed training at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
In September 2003, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate - Head of the Monetary Regulation Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, where she held until December 2005.
From January 2006 to October 2008 at the Private Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, she worked as a Deputy Head of the Department of Finance.
From November 2008 to October 2011, she was the head of the financial market development department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus,
From January 2012 to the present, I have been an associate professor at the Department of Management at BSUIR.
The defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "State regulation of commodity markets with seasonal changes in sales and prices" took place on 01.10.2008.
The spheres of scientific interests are the problems of managing the development of enterprises, organizing financial and banking activities and interaction with financial market institutions.
Taught academic subjects:
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Information Technologies» (172 hours),
«Finance» (216 hours),
«Financial and Digital Asset Management» (120 hours).
Main publications:
1. Acquiring as "compulsion" to white accounting / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik suvyazi -2018.- № 6 (152). - P. 22-25.
2.Ways of development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus / I.V. Nasonova // Vestn. assoc. Belarusian. banks - 2019.- No. 3 (838). - P. 12-16.
3. Development of hedging and the market for futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2019.- № 3 (113). - P. 15-22.
4. Analysis of the global practice of debt financing of enterprises in the industry / I.V. Nasonova, Ay Di // Vesnik suvyazi -2019.- № 3 (155). - P. 46-49.
5. Development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus, the main function of which is insurance of price and currency risks (hedging) / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 4. - P. 41-43.
6 Development of the market of futures contracts in the Republic of Belarus, the main function of which is insurance of price and currency risks (hedging) / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- No. 5.- (continued) - P. 42-43.
7. Analysis of the world practice of debt financing of enterprises / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 6. - P. 43-49.
8. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the introduction of modern computer information technologies in organizations / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2019.- № 7. - P. 41-44.
9. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the implementation of modern computer information technologies in organizations / I.V. Nasonova // Financial Director -2019.- № 7 (199). - P. 68-72.
10. Analysis and planning of cash flows: direct and indirect methods / I.V. Nasonova // Financial Director -2019.- № 10 (202). - P. 28-34.
11. Nasonova I.V. Assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of the introduction of modern computer information technologies in organizations. -Materials of the 18th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Science-Education, Production, Economy" .- in 4 volumes .- Vol. 1. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020.
12. Methodology for using social networks in the B2C market / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 3 (123). - P. 36-39.
13. Methodology for using social networks in the B2C market / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 3 (123). - P. 40-45.
14. Practice of regulation and management of digital assets / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 4 (124). - P. 56-61.
15. Digital assets: main types / I.V. Nasonova // MARKETING: ideas and technologies -2020.- № 4 (124). - P. 62-65.
16. Matrix of financial management / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik Suvyazi -2020.- № 2 (160). - P. 26-30.
17. Capital of an enterprise as the basis of its financial potential, the most important factor of competitiveness and investment attractiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 3. - P. 44-46.
18. Capital of an enterprise as the basis of its financial potential, the most important factor of competitiveness and investment attractiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 4.- (continued) - P. 45-48.
19.Analysis of the structure of debt financing of an enterprise in the Sayazi industry, registered by the State Institution "Administration of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park" Industrial Park "Great Stone" / I.V. Nasonova, Ai Di // Vesnik suvyazi -2020.- 4 (162) .- P. 32-35.
20. Development of a web application for an online store as a way to improve the financial condition of an organization and increase its competitiveness. Nasonova // Hermes -2020.- № 10. - P. 40-43.
21. Development of a web application for an online store selling communication devices as a way to improve the financial condition of an organization and increase its competitiveness / I.V. Nasonova // Vesnik suvyazi -2020. - № 6 (164) .- P.45-49.
Merits, awards, incentives
By the decision of the Council for the Defense of Dissertation at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.10.2008, the academic degree of candidate of economic sciences was awarded.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated March 27, 2013, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Economics"