Mazayskiy Andrey
Assistant of the Department of Management
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: v3128210@ya.ru
Professional interests/researches: marketing, logistics, personnel management, business communication, macroeconomics, economic theory, ecology
Belarusian state economic university, postgraduate study of BSEU, professional development at National Institute for Higher Education
Working career.
Management department, teacher. Subject of the doctor’s theses: Ways to resolve of ecological and economic contradictions.
Taught academic subjects:
- Fundamentals of business and law,
- Creative business technologies
Merits, awards, incentives Honorary diploma of BSUIR 1998, 2020.
Belarusian state economic university, postgraduate study of BSEU, professional development at National Institute for Higher Education
Working career.
Management department, teacher. Subject of the doctor’s theses: Ways to resolve of ecological and economic contradictions.
Taught academic subjects:
- Fundamentals of business and law,
- Creative business technologies
Merits, awards, incentives Honorary diploma of BSUIR 1998, 2020.