Maklakova Olga

Maklakova Olga

Assistant Professor of the Department of Management

Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 805

Phone: +375 17 293-86-46

Professional interests/researches: Economics, marketing, information society, sociology, health, management

1995-2000 EEU BSEU, International Economic Relations Department, majoring in Marketing
2000-2003 Postgraduate studies at UE BSEU, Marketing Department

Working career:
2000-2014 - Assistant of Marketing Department, BSEU
2014-present. Senior lecturer of the Management Department, BSUIR

Taught academic subjects
- Marketing,
- Marketing and marketing logistics,
- Economics of Information society.

Main publications:
1. Belyatskaya T. N. Marketing: Data Analysis : tutorial / T. N. Belyatskaya, O. M. Maklakova. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2018. - 128 с.
2. Maklakova, O. M. Research of electronic markets of the Republic of Belarus / O. M. Maklakova // Humanitarian-Economic Herald. - 2018. - №3/4. - С. 177 - 182.
3. Maklakova, O.M., Belyatskaya, T.N. ICT as a new competitive force / Modern trends in socio-economic systems development // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. 2018 - Publisher: Limited Liability Company "Sphere" (Volgograd). - 2018. - С. 400-402.
4. Maklakova, O. M., Belyatskaya, T. N. Study of consumer preferences in e-health market of Belarus / Tendencies of economic growth in the XXI century education of BSU Faculty of Economics February 28, 2019 Minsk / BSU. - Minsk, 2019. - С.559-562.
5. Maklakova O. M.M. E-health care in the context of national security of the Republic of Belarus / Belyatskaya T. N., Maklakova O. M. // Security and Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice in the Context of Digital Transformation : materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference, Minsk, December 5-6, 2019. In 5 vols. / Institute for National Security of the Republic of Belarus ; editor: G. G. Krasko (editor-in-chief) [et al.] - Minsk, 2019. - Vol. 4. - 106-109 p.
6. Belyatskaya T.N., Maklakova O.M. Readiness of population for economic behaviour in e-economy: problems of e-health / T.N. Belyatskaya, O.M. Maklakova // Digital
Transformation. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 13-28.
7. Maklakova O. M. M. Eliminating the digital divide as a strategic growth factor for the e-health market / Belyatskaya T. N., Knyazkova V.S., Maklakova O. M. // Strategic management and marketing tools in providing balanced scientific and technological development of new economy of Russia : a collective monograph / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus Federal University"; Ed. by V. N. Parakhina, O. A. Alekseeva. - Stavropol : SKFU Publishing House, 2019. - Section 2.7, Chapter 2. - P. 187-211.
8. Maklakova O. M. Gamification in e-health care / Maklakova O. M. M. // Society and Christianity: collection of articles of participants of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference, Minsk, January 24-26, 2020 / edited by K. I. Golubev [et al.] - Minsk : Minsk Theological Academy of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, 2020. - С. 87-89.
9. Maklakova O. M. Effectiveness of digital transformation of health care / Maklakova O. M. M. // Information resources management : materials of XVI International Scientific-Practical Conference, Minsk, February 26, 2020 / Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus ; [editors: N.L. Bondarenko, A.I. Yashchuk, B.V. Novysh]. - Minsk, 2020. - 3 с.

Merits, awards, incentives Certificate of Merit, BSUIR 2020