Gudel Vadim
Assistant Professor of the Department of Management
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 805
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
Professional interests/researches: Labor law, Information law
Нe studied at BSU from 2000 to 2005.
He completed postgraduate studies at BSU (full-time education) from 2005 to 2008.
He underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH" under the program "Bologna Process: Topical Issues in the Development of Higher Education in Belarus" from 12/02/2013 to 12/13/2013.
He underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH" on the topic "Effective technologies of modern personnel management in HEIs" from 03/30/2020 to 05/22/2020.
Working career:
In September 2007 he started working at the Department of Ecology of BSUIR as an assistant.
Since September 2014 I have been working at the Department of Management of BSUIR (was transferred from the Department of Ecology), currently in the position of a senior lecturer.
Areas of research interests are labor law, intellectual property, information law.
Taught academic subjects:
«Economic Law» (190 hours, 5),
«Business and Law Basics in Information Technology» (172 hours, 4.5),
«Business and Law Basics in Radio Electronics» (172 hours, 4.5).
Main publications:
1. Development of a labor contract: from history to the present / V.V. Gudel // Youth and scientific and technical progress: collection of articles. reports of the XI int. scientific-practical conf. students, graduate students and young scientists: in 4 volumes - Gubkin, April 19. 2018 / Gubkinsky branch of BSTU named after I. V.G. Shukhov; Compiled by: V.N. Roshchupkina, V.M. Uvarov [and others]. - Gubkin; Stary Oskol: LLC Assistantplus, 2018. - V. 4. - P. 57-59.
2. Labor contract in the Republic of Belarus: improvement at the present stage / V.V. Gudel // Justice of Belarus. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 49-52.
3. Development of the norms of the institute of labor contract / V.V. Gudel // Trends in the development of the science of labor law and social security law: abstracts of reports of participants of the international scientific-practical conference, Kyiv, April 20, 2018 / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; for order. M.I. Inshina, I.S. Saharuk. - Kyiv, 2018. - P. 58-60.
4. Conceptual apparatus of labor law: state and prospects / V.V.Gudel // Legal principles of organization and exercise of public power: Coll. abstracts of the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference, Khmelnytsky, May 2-8. 2019 / Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law; resp. ed. O.M. Bukhanevich. - Khmelnytsky, 2019. - P. 59-62.
Нe studied at BSU from 2000 to 2005.
He completed postgraduate studies at BSU (full-time education) from 2005 to 2008.
He underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH" under the program "Bologna Process: Topical Issues in the Development of Higher Education in Belarus" from 12/02/2013 to 12/13/2013.
He underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH" on the topic "Effective technologies of modern personnel management in HEIs" from 03/30/2020 to 05/22/2020.
Working career:
In September 2007 he started working at the Department of Ecology of BSUIR as an assistant.
Since September 2014 I have been working at the Department of Management of BSUIR (was transferred from the Department of Ecology), currently in the position of a senior lecturer.
Areas of research interests are labor law, intellectual property, information law.
Taught academic subjects:
«Economic Law» (190 hours, 5),
«Business and Law Basics in Information Technology» (172 hours, 4.5),
«Business and Law Basics in Radio Electronics» (172 hours, 4.5).
Main publications:
1. Development of a labor contract: from history to the present / V.V. Gudel // Youth and scientific and technical progress: collection of articles. reports of the XI int. scientific-practical conf. students, graduate students and young scientists: in 4 volumes - Gubkin, April 19. 2018 / Gubkinsky branch of BSTU named after I. V.G. Shukhov; Compiled by: V.N. Roshchupkina, V.M. Uvarov [and others]. - Gubkin; Stary Oskol: LLC Assistantplus, 2018. - V. 4. - P. 57-59.
2. Labor contract in the Republic of Belarus: improvement at the present stage / V.V. Gudel // Justice of Belarus. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 49-52.
3. Development of the norms of the institute of labor contract / V.V. Gudel // Trends in the development of the science of labor law and social security law: abstracts of reports of participants of the international scientific-practical conference, Kyiv, April 20, 2018 / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; for order. M.I. Inshina, I.S. Saharuk. - Kyiv, 2018. - P. 58-60.
4. Conceptual apparatus of labor law: state and prospects / V.V.Gudel // Legal principles of organization and exercise of public power: Coll. abstracts of the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference, Khmelnytsky, May 2-8. 2019 / Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law; resp. ed. O.M. Bukhanevich. - Khmelnytsky, 2019. - P. 59-62.