Gornostai Lyudmila

Gornostai Lyudmila

Assistant Professor of the Department of Management

Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 805

Phone: +375 17 293-86-46

E-mail: gornostai@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches: Questions and problems of companies management

Minsk Radiotechnical Institution, 1991
Specialty: Constructor Engineer, electronic computing hardware technologist

Postgrasuate studies in Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, 2001
Specialty: Economics and Management in national economy

Gornostai Lyudmila Cheslavovna improves her skills systematically:
Has finished education in "Republican Institution of Higher School" by program "Actual questions of implantation of 3rd generation educational standards in programs in higher education".
Has finished education in "Republican Institution of Higher School" by program "Computer testing Technologies" from 10.04.2017 till 21.04.2017 г. (Registration certification №2799593 from 21.04.2017г.)

Working career:
Has been working at the Department of Management of BSUIR as a teacher since 02.09.1996, as a senior teacher since April 2005. Performs all types of academic workload: lectures, conducts practical, laboratory and seminars, consultations, takes exams and tests, supervises diploma and course design of students of all forms of education, supervises students' research projects, develops programs for the courses taught.

Taught academic subjects:
Management (306 hours, 8.5 points)
Basics of Management (108 hours, 3.0 points)

Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.