Filitovich Irina
Assistant of the Department of Management
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: irina.filitovich75@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches Questions and problems of e-business and e-business processes
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2016,
Specialty: engineer-economist-programmer
Master's degree in BSUIR, 2018
The economy of the organization of production
Filitovich systematically improves their qualifications. She was trained in the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Lecture in a modern institution of higher education: models of design and implementation of educational material in the educational process" from 30.09.2019. until 11.10.2019 (certificate reg. no. 3348683 of 11.10.2019).
Working career: Filitovich I. V. has been working at the Department of Management of BSUIR as a teacher since 31.08.2016. Performs types of academic load: conducts practical and laboratory classes, consultations, takes exams and tests, directs diploma and course design of students of all forms of education, develops programs for the courses read.
Taught academic subjects:
«Electronic Business» (306 hours),
«Electronic business processes» (108 hours)
Main publications:
1. Assessment of the quality of stock indices. / Periodical scientific collection on the XXIV international scientific and practical conference «Modern trends in the development pf science and technology» (Belgorod, march 31, 2017)
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2016,
Specialty: engineer-economist-programmer
Master's degree in BSUIR, 2018
The economy of the organization of production
Filitovich systematically improves their qualifications. She was trained in the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Lecture in a modern institution of higher education: models of design and implementation of educational material in the educational process" from 30.09.2019. until 11.10.2019 (certificate reg. no. 3348683 of 11.10.2019).
Working career: Filitovich I. V. has been working at the Department of Management of BSUIR as a teacher since 31.08.2016. Performs types of academic load: conducts practical and laboratory classes, consultations, takes exams and tests, directs diploma and course design of students of all forms of education, develops programs for the courses read.
Taught academic subjects:
«Electronic Business» (306 hours),
«Electronic business processes» (108 hours)
Main publications:
1. Assessment of the quality of stock indices. / Periodical scientific collection on the XXIV international scientific and practical conference «Modern trends in the development pf science and technology» (Belgorod, march 31, 2017)