Feschenko Svetlana
Assistant Professor of the Department of Management
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: feschenko@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches:
- logistics and supply chain management;
- electronic economy;
- creative and imaginative thinking, creative technologies for finding new solutions in business
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Faculty of Economics, specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management", qualification "Engineer-Economist" (1996-2001)
- Master's degree at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management". A master's thesis was defended on the topic "Increasing the efficiency of work in the field of labor organization and regulation". Еhe academic degree of Master of Economic Sciences (2001-2002) was awarded.
- The Advanced training program "Modern technologies of teaching and education of students" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 10.03 to 30.05.2003.
- The advanced training program "Teacher's pedagogical skills: essence, content, means of formation" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 16.01 to 28.01.2006.
- Training at a seminar on the topic: "Modern management in the field of quality" in Belarusian State Institute of Training And Retraining In Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management from 14.04 to 15.04.2008.
- The advanced training program "Improvement and audit of QMS in educational institutions in accordance with the standards of the ISO 9000 series" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 14.05 to 25.05.2012.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Quality Management" (from 03/18/2013 to 10/17/2014) with the qualification of a quality manager.
- Training at a seminar on the course "Cloud technologies and services in the educational process" from 16.11 to 18.11.2015, Minsk IT Competence Center BSU-IBA.
- Training at a seminar on the course "Possibilities of ERP systems and their prospects on the example of SAP" from 23.11 to 25.11.2015, Minsk IT Competence Center BSU-IBA.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Logistics" (from 03.15.2016 to 03.14.2017) with the qualification of a specialist in logistics-economist.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Innovation Management" (from 26.12.2016 to 27.06.2018) with the qualification of a manager-economist.
- Advanced training at the Republican Institute of Higher Education under the program "Education system of the Republic of Belarus within the European Higher Education Area" from 10.12 to 14.12.2018.
Working career:
2002-2018 - Lecturer, Department of Management, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Economics
2005-2009 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics for Academic and Methodological Affairs
From 2018 to the present - senior lecturer of the Department of Management of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, economic
Taught academic subjects:
- E-business economics (222 hours, 6 credit points)
- Fundamentals of the organization of production and logistics in electronic business (144 hours, 4 credit points)
- Logistics (108 hours, 3 credit points)
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of logistics (90 hours, 2.5 credit points)
- Creative business technologies (144 hours, 4 credit points)
Main publications:
1. Atamanchuk, E.L. IT infrastructure management as a factor in improving the management efficiency of an e-business enterprise / E.L. Atamanchuk, S.L. International scientific and practical conf., St. Petersburg, November 16, 2018; editorial board: Yu. V. Kuznetsov [and others]. - SPb .: Scythia-print, 2019 . - С.348-350
2. Knyazkova, V. S. Management of the creative potential of employees in the electronic economy / V. S. Knyazkova, S. L. Feshchenko // Actual problems of management: management as the most important factor of economic growth and raising the standard of living in the regions: materials of the International scientific and practical ... conf., St. Petersburg, November 16, 2018; editorial board: Yu. V. Kuznetsov [and others]. - SPb .: Scythia-print, 2019 . - S.216-219
3. Kashnikova, I.V. Logistics: teaching aid / I.V. Kashnikova, S.L. Feschenko. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 . - 92 p.
4. Feshchenko, S.L. On the issue of digitalization of logistics and supply chain management / S. L. Feschenko // Management of information resources: materials of the XVI Intern. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, 26 Feb. 2020; Acad. ex. under the President of the Republic. Belarus; editorial board : N. L. Bondarenko. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2020. - P. 123-125.
Merits, awards, incentives: Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of BSUIR
- logistics and supply chain management;
- electronic economy;
- creative and imaginative thinking, creative technologies for finding new solutions in business
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Faculty of Economics, specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management", qualification "Engineer-Economist" (1996-2001)
- Master's degree at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management". A master's thesis was defended on the topic "Increasing the efficiency of work in the field of labor organization and regulation". Еhe academic degree of Master of Economic Sciences (2001-2002) was awarded.
- The Advanced training program "Modern technologies of teaching and education of students" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 10.03 to 30.05.2003.
- The advanced training program "Teacher's pedagogical skills: essence, content, means of formation" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 16.01 to 28.01.2006.
- Training at a seminar on the topic: "Modern management in the field of quality" in Belarusian State Institute of Training And Retraining In Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management from 14.04 to 15.04.2008.
- The advanced training program "Improvement and audit of QMS in educational institutions in accordance with the standards of the ISO 9000 series" at the Republican Institute of Higher Education from 14.05 to 25.05.2012.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Quality Management" (from 03/18/2013 to 10/17/2014) with the qualification of a quality manager.
- Training at a seminar on the course "Cloud technologies and services in the educational process" from 16.11 to 18.11.2015, Minsk IT Competence Center BSU-IBA.
- Training at a seminar on the course "Possibilities of ERP systems and their prospects on the example of SAP" from 23.11 to 25.11.2015, Minsk IT Competence Center BSU-IBA.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Logistics" (from 03.15.2016 to 03.14.2017) with the qualification of a specialist in logistics-economist.
- Retraining at the level of higher education at the Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies of the Belarusian National Technical University in the specialty "Innovation Management" (from 26.12.2016 to 27.06.2018) with the qualification of a manager-economist.
- Advanced training at the Republican Institute of Higher Education under the program "Education system of the Republic of Belarus within the European Higher Education Area" from 10.12 to 14.12.2018.
Working career:
2002-2018 - Lecturer, Department of Management, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Economics
2005-2009 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics for Academic and Methodological Affairs
From 2018 to the present - senior lecturer of the Department of Management of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, economic
Taught academic subjects:
- E-business economics (222 hours, 6 credit points)
- Fundamentals of the organization of production and logistics in electronic business (144 hours, 4 credit points)
- Logistics (108 hours, 3 credit points)
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of logistics (90 hours, 2.5 credit points)
- Creative business technologies (144 hours, 4 credit points)
Main publications:
1. Atamanchuk, E.L. IT infrastructure management as a factor in improving the management efficiency of an e-business enterprise / E.L. Atamanchuk, S.L. International scientific and practical conf., St. Petersburg, November 16, 2018; editorial board: Yu. V. Kuznetsov [and others]. - SPb .: Scythia-print, 2019 . - С.348-350
2. Knyazkova, V. S. Management of the creative potential of employees in the electronic economy / V. S. Knyazkova, S. L. Feshchenko // Actual problems of management: management as the most important factor of economic growth and raising the standard of living in the regions: materials of the International scientific and practical ... conf., St. Petersburg, November 16, 2018; editorial board: Yu. V. Kuznetsov [and others]. - SPb .: Scythia-print, 2019 . - S.216-219
3. Kashnikova, I.V. Logistics: teaching aid / I.V. Kashnikova, S.L. Feschenko. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 . - 92 p.
4. Feshchenko, S.L. On the issue of digitalization of logistics and supply chain management / S. L. Feschenko // Management of information resources: materials of the XVI Intern. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, 26 Feb. 2020; Acad. ex. under the President of the Republic. Belarus; editorial board : N. L. Bondarenko. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2020. - P. 123-125.
Merits, awards, incentives: Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of BSUIR